Reading and Writing - we can 3-2 - ثالث ابتدائي
Unit5: Yesterday and Today
Unit6: Jobs
Unit7: Fun on the Weekend
Unit8: Life’s Ups and Downs
نشاط Unit5: Yesterday and Today
نشاط Unit6: Jobs
نشاط Unit7: Fun on the Weekend
نشاط Unit8: Life’s Ups and Downs
Goal 53 Fun on the Weekend: Reading and Writing I can read, ask, and answer questions with How many and How much and make sentences with some and any. Name Class 1 Listen and fill in the missing words. 回楼回 CD8 06 much many 1. How 2. How 3. How 4. How 5. How know. flour do we need to make a cake? 3 cups. eggs do we need? I think we need 4 eggs. tomatoes are there in the fridge? 6 tomatoes. milk do you drink in the morning? About 2 cups. apples do we need for the apple pie? I don't some any 6. We have 7. We have bananas. sugar, but we don't have apples, but we don't have milk. 8. There is 9. There isn't 10. There are 2 Write A, B, or C. orange juice in the kitchen. oil in the bottle. chocolates in the box. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2023-1445 WC3 2023 COMBO.indb 191 A: How much ... B: How many... C: How much tomatoes do we need? milk do we need? ☐ cheese do we need? 191 13/3/23 12:46 AM

Goal 54 Fun on the Weekend: Reading and Writing I can read an English menu and order at a restaurant. Name Class Listen and practice. Fill in the missing words. What you like? CD8 07 I'd like a and please. Sure. Just a 2 Use the example in Exercise 1 and write your own dialogues. 1. What you like? and Sure. 2. you like? I'd like and Just a 3 Write A, B, or C. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Educo192 2023-1445 WC3 2023 COMBO.indb 192 A: A dish is sometimes... B: The moon is sometimes... ☐ round. ☐ oval. C: A spoon is usually ... ப square. 13/3/23 12:46 AM