Finding Out Tim - we can 3-2 - ثالث ابتدائي
Unit5: Yesterday and Today
Unit6: Jobs
Unit7: Fun on the Weekend
Unit8: Life’s Ups and Downs
نشاط Unit5: Yesterday and Today
نشاط Unit6: Jobs
نشاط Unit7: Fun on the Weekend
نشاط Unit8: Life’s Ups and Downs
Unit 7 Fun on the Weekend Goal 49 Fun on the Weekend: Finding Out Time I can ask a partner about his or her weekend and get the answers. Name Class CD8 02 1 Fill in the missing words. Then listen and check. What did you do over the weekend? OXO That's That's That's DBD boring, fantastic, great 2 Read and practice. 1. clean 3. watch cleaned watched 5. play - played 7. cook cooked 3 Write A, B, or C. I my room. on the phone. I computer games. cleaned, spoke, played 2. practice practiced - 4. kick - kicked 6. study studied 8. stay stayed A: A DVD about sharks is B: A big breakfast is ... C: A trampoline is ... ... ☐ good for you. ☐ scary. ☐ fun. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2023-1445 WC3_2023 COMBO.indb 187 187 13/3/23 12:46 AM

Goal 50 Fun on the Weekend: Finding Out Time I can listen to someone's answer about what he or she did over the weekend and make a comment. Name 1 Listen and practice. 1. That's fantastic! CD8 03 Class OO 2. That's great! 3. That's okay. 4. That's boring. 5. That's scary! 2 Read and write your comments. 1. Asma watched a documentary about sharks. 2. Fahad kicked a ball for three hours. 3. Amal studied for two hours. 4. Imad cooked breakfast. 5. Rana practiced English for three hours. 3 Write A, B, or C. A: They B: She a documentary. computer games. ☐ watched ☐ played C: I... my room. ☐ cleaned وزارة التعليم Ministry of Educa188 2023-1445 WC3_2023 COMBO.indb 188 13/3/23 12:46 AM