At the Mall Food Court Prayer Room Toilets - التربية الفكرية - ثاني ثانوي
الوحدة الأولى: القرآن الكريم والدراسات الإسلامية
الوحدة الثانية: لغتي
الوحدة الثالثة: الرياضيات
الوحدة الرابعة: المهارات المهنية
الوحدة الخامسة : المهارات الرقمية
Unit Six: English Language
Practice 1 At the Mall (Food Court, Prayer Room, Toilets) Listen and repeat: Lesson Eight TOILET RESTROOMS WC MALE PRAYER ROOM FEMALE PRAYER ROOM WOMEN Prayer Room MEN WC Toilets 1 FOOD COURT Mall Food Court رابط الدرس MYA

Listen and repeat: Prayer Room Toilets
۳۲۹ Practice 2 Match: وزارة التعليم MALE PRAYER ROOM FEMALE PRAYER ROOM FOOD DOUBT 2 Toilets Prayer Room சின் TOILET WOMEN MEN RESTROOMS & WC WC Food Court Mall

Match: Toilets Prayer Room Food Court
Practice 3 Circle the picture of the Toilets sign: ¿ TOILET RESTROOMS MALE PRAYER ROOM FEMALE PRAYER ROOM WC WOMEN MEN WC Practice 4 Underline the Correct word: MALE PRAYER ROOM FEMALE PRAYER ROOM Food court - FOOD COURT 2 3 - Mall - Prayer Room Food court - Mall - Prayer Room www.

Circle the picture of the Toilets sign:
Underline the Correct word: Food court Mall - Prayer Room
ww Practice 5 Trace then write: وزارة التعليم Mall Food Court Mall Food Court Prayer Room Toilets Prayer Room Toilets

Trace then write: Mall Food Court