Reading prices - التربية الفكرية - ثالث متوسط

وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 رابط الدرس الر Lesson Three Reading prices Practice ①Look at this picture, what do you see: CUCUMBERS CUCUMBERS CUCUMBERS 6.20 yogurt yogurt yogurt yogurt FRESH FRESH FRESH JUICE JUICE JUICE OLIVES OLIVES OLIVES BIO BIO BIO yogurt yogurt yogurt yogurt yogurt yogurt Virgin Virgin Extra Extra Extra Virgin CHICKEN CHICKEN RICE RICE 9.40 1.50 PASTA PASTA PASTA CHOCOLATE CHOCOLATE CHOCOLATE HAM HAM 55.55 PASTE PASTE PASTE PASTE 45.30 22.60 TUNA TUNA 14.35 38.70 11.90 TUNA yogurt yogurt TUNA 23 20.80 28.40 45.30 55.15 20.30 14.35 42.40 JAM JAM JAM 28.40 38.70 yogurt yogurt 9.40 16.44 12.50 COOKIES COOKIES Hunts SAUCE SAUCE Hunts MILK MILK MILK milk milk milk JAM JAM cream cream 2% 2% 2% 16.44 17.80 37.20 10.50 17.80 45.30 PRODUCT EAT PRODUCT 14.35 EAT PRODUCT ٤٦٤

Lesson Three: Reading prices

Look at this picture, what do you see

Practice ②How much is it? Circle the price: Chcete Checube Camestate MILE Mike SAR 36.00 Peanut Butter SAR 23.40 SAR 15.95 Practice 3 How much is it? Write the price: It is ... Riyals SAR 79.00 It is Riyals وزارة التعليم SAR 99.00

Lesson Three: Reading prices

عنوان جديد 42

How much is it? Write the price

How much is it? Circle the price

Practice 4 Match: SAR 56.00 SAR 40.00 زارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 ١٠١٦١٦٢١٢٩ MATW MATIN MATA esp خمسون ريالا خمسة ريالات 1096263229 esp 4996963129 esp من عشرة ريالات عشرة ريالات عشرة ريالات عشرة ريالات TA 1096963729 4096963729 ٤٦٦

Lesson Three: Reading prices

Practice 4 Match

Practice 5 Underline the highest price: SAR 29.00 ر وزارة التعليم ٤٦٧ SAR 54.00 SAR 15.00

Lesson Three: Reading prices

Underline the highest price