Glossary - Principles of Management - ثالث ثانوي
Chapter 1 Managers and Managing
Chapter 2 Planning and Organizing
Chapter 3 Staffing, Directing, and Controlling
Chapter 4 Challenges of Contemporary Management
الصليم Glossary Accountability The obligation to accept responsibility for the outcomes of assigned tasks. Achievement need In McClelland's theory of needs, the need to take personal responsibility for work, set personal goals, and want immediate feed- back on work. Administrative management Management theory that identifies the most effective practices for organizing and manag- ing a business. Affiliation need In McClelland's theory of needs, motivation related to people's relationships with others, and get along well and fit in with a group. Authority The night to make decisions about work assignments and to require other employees to perform assigned tasks. Behavioral management Management theory directed at organiza- tional improvement through understanding employee motivation and behavior -some- times called human relations management. Budget A written financial plan for business opera- tions developed for a specific period of time. Business competition The rivalry among companies for customers. Business plan A written document that describes the nature of the business, its goals and objectives, and how they will be achieved. Centralized organization Business structure in which a few top man- agers do all the major planning and decision making. Chain of command The hierarchy of the organization, from the highest level to the lowest level. Classical management Management theory that studies the way work is organized and the procedures used to perform a job in order to increase worker productivity Competitive advantage The special capabilities of a company that allow it to create a product or service that is measurably better than any competing company. 216 Glossary

Contingency plan A set of procedures to follow in the event of an emergency. Controlling Evaluating results to determine if the com- pany's objectives have been accomplished, as planned. Cost standard The predetermined cost of performing an operation or providing goods or services. Creative work environments A workplace culture in which workers per- ceive that new ideas are welcomed, valued, and encouraged. Crisis management The process of dealing with crises before, during and after the event to minimize the impact on the organization and its environment. Decentralized organization A large business which is divided into smaller operating units, headed by managers who have almost total responsibility and authority for operations. Departmentalization A concept where senior managers make decisions on how to group employees that serve a similar need for the company. Directing Working with employees to ensure they are motivated and have the resources needed to help carry out plans and get the work done. Effectiveness A measure of how successful something is at achieving its outcome. Efficiency A measure of productivity in comparison to the effort put in. Employee motivation The process of influencing the actions taken by an employee to accomplish a goal. Empowerment Authority given to individual employees to make decisions and solve problems they encounter on their jobs with the resources available to them. Flattened organization An organization with fewer levels of manage- ment than traditional structures. Goal A specific statement of a result the business expects to achieve. Hygiene factors Job factors that result in employees feeling dissatisfied with work when they are absent but do not contribute to job satisfaction when they are present. Just-in-time An approach to logistics in which goods arrive when needed for production, use, or sale rather than sitting in storage. وزارة التعليم Glossary 217

Contingency plan
Line organization Business structure in which all authority and responsibility can be traced in a direct line from the top executive down to the lowest employee level. Line-and-staff organization Business structure where managers have direct control over units and employees they supervise but have access to staff specialists for assistance. Logistics Managing the acquisition, movement, and storage of supplies, materials, and finished products in a business. Management The process of accomplishing the goals of an organization through the effective use of people and other resources. Management principles The fundamental guidelines for the decisions and actions of managers. Management role A common set of activities that make up an important part of a manager's job. Management strategy A carefully developed overall approach to leading an organization. Manager Person who performs all five management functions on a regular basis and has authority over other jobs and people. Matrix organization An organization which combines employees into temporary work teams to carry out specific projects while working in the same functional area. Middle manager A manager who carries out all of the man- agement functions, but spends most of the time performing specialized work in one management function or is responsible for a specific part of the company's operations. Mission A short, specific statement of the business's purpose and direction. Motivators Factors that increase job satisfaction. Operational planning Short-term planning that identifies specific goals and activities for each part of the business. Operations The major ongoing activities of a business. Operations management Effectively directing the major activities of a business to achieve its goals. Organization chart An illustration of the structure of an organiza- tion, major job classifications, and the report- ing relationships among the organization's personnel. 218 Glossary

Line organization
عبارت التعليم Organizational crisis An event or occurrence that has a dramatic or potentially disastrous impact on an organiza- tion's financial standing, reputation, survival, or welfare of its stakeholders. Organizational innovation The successful implementation of creative ideas in organizations. Organizing Determining how plans can be accomplished most effectively and arranging resources to carry out the work. Paradigm innovation A development that creates value by initiating a fundamental shift in perspective. Physiological needs In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the things required to sustain life, such as food and shelter. Planning Analyzing information and making decisions about what needs to be done. Policies Guidelines used in making decisions regard- ing specific, recurring situations. Position innovation An important component of marketing management that shifts the specific customer base or segment that a product or service is targeting to provide an advantage. Power need In McClelland's theory of needs, desire to influence and control others and to be responsible for a group's activities. Procedure A sequence of steps to be followed for performing a specific task. Process improvement The efforts to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of specific business operations. Process innovation A new way of handling a task that creates some form of advantage or benefits. Product innovation A new iteration of a product or service that creates a clear and tangible improvement on the existing offering and presents a competi- tive advantage. Profit Income minus costs. Quality management A total commitment by everyone in an organ- ization to improve the quality of procedures and products by reducing waste, errors, and defects. Quality standard A specific measure that describes expected consistency in production or performance. Quantity standard A specific measure that establishes the expected amount of work to be performed. Glossary 219

Organizational crisis
Responsibility The obligation to do an assigned task. Schedule A time plan for reaching objectives. Scientific management The careful, objective study of manage- ment decisions and procedures in order to improve the operations of businesses and organizations. Security needs In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the things required to make sure you and those you care about are safe and free from harm. Self-actualization In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the need to grow emotionally and intellectually, to be creative, and to achieve your full potential. Self-directed work team A team in which members together are responsible for the work assigned to the team. Self-esteem needs In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the desire for recognition and respect from others. Social needs In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the need to belong, to interact with others, to have friends, and to love and be loved. Span of control / Span of management The number of employees that any one manager supervises directly to effectively implement an organization's goals. Staffing Finding individuals with the right skills to do the work. Standard A specific measure by which something is judged. Strategic planning Long-term planning that provides broad goals and direction for the entire business Supervisor A manager whose main job is to direct the work of employees. Supply chain All of the activities involved from the time raw materials are obtained until finished products are sold and delivered. Supply chain management The overarching activity of managing the entire process around the functioning of a supply chain. SWOT analysis The examination of an organization's internal strengths and weaknesses as well as external opportunities and threats. Team organization Business structure that divides employees into permanent work teams. The Four Industrial Revolutions A series of distinct phases in modern history, characterized by technological innovations that have led to major business and social changes 220 Glossary

Time standard A specific measure that establishes the amount of time needed to perform an activity Top manager A high-level manager who spends almost all of his or her time on management functions and decisions that affect the entire company. Unity of command Principle which states that each employee reports to one-and only one-supervisor at a time or for a particular task.. Variance A difference between current performance and the standard. Vision A broad, long-term, and often inspirational view of a company's reason for existing. Work team A team of individuals who cooperate to achieve a common goal. حرارت التعليم Glossary 221

Time standard