Lette r Jj - التربية الفكرية - رابع ابتدائي

رابط الدرس Practice 1 Listen and repeat: Lesson Three www.ien.edu.sa Letter (J-j) Juice Jam Jump Practice 2 Color: Jj Jam Jump Juice ليم ٤٣٣ 2024-1446 ucation 979

Lesson Three: Lette r(Jj)

Listen & repeat:


وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 Practice 3 Match: Jump Jam Juice ٤٣٤

Lesson Three: Lette r(Jj)


P Ero ajlja Ministry of Education 2024-1446 Practice 4 Trace: JJ Juice Jam Jump

Lesson Three: Lette r(Jj)


وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 Practice 5 Write the letter (J – j ): J j ٤٣٦

Lesson Three: Lette r(Jj)

Write the letter Jj: