Project - Software Engineering - ثالث ثانوي
1. Software Engineering
2. Prototyping
3. Developing Applications with App Inventor
4. Software Accessibility and Digital Inclusion
Project" True 1 The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has developed a vision for the future based on three primary themes: a vibrant society, a thriving economy and an ambitious nation. The Vision 2030 plan is the first step towards achieving Saudi Arabia's economic aspirations and transforming the lives of citizens. False True mirror ob 2 Suppose you want to create a mobile application that provides information about tourism projects in Vision 2030. More specifically, the application aims to help elderly people with vision problems or trembling hands to browse for information on Vision 2030 megacity projects: Amaala, Neom and Qiddiya. k the dese modifier selected objects[0] exactly two objects, 3 Search and find information and images about these projects that you will use when creating the application. 4 وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 60 2024-1446 CLASSES Then, create a summary of the SDLC of the application, where you will present what you will do in each phase of the SDLC. Finally, create a presentation to illustrate this project. to the s ed object*** Five object is not None
Wrap up Now you have learned to: > Differentiate between stages of the SDLC. > Classify the advantages and challenges of Waterfall, RAD and Agile methodologies. > Describe different programming languages, their history, classifications and areas of use. > Explain how a computer understands programming languages and deals with their errors through a compiler or an interpreter. > Identify the different software development tools and their uses in the different stages of software development and the production of different software solutions. KEY TERMS Ministry of Education 2024-1446 Agile Methodology Assembly language Code Editor Compiler Development Embedded System Evaluation Executable Program Fourth-generation Language General-purpose Application High-level Programming Language Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Interpreter Lifecycle Linker Machine language Maintenance Mobile Application Rapid Application Development (RAD) Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Software Development Tool Software Development Methodologies Source Code Testing Version Control Management Waterfall Methodology Web Application 61
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