Language in Context - Super goal 3 - ثالث متوسط
Term 1
Life Stories
When are you Travelling
What Do I Need to Buy
Term 2
Since When
Do You Know Where it is
It's Good Deal, Isn't It
Drive Slowly
EXPANSION Unuits 5-8
Term 3
all kinds of people
Who Used My Toothpaste
Making choices
Culture Shock
EXPANSION Units 9-12
Term 1
نشاط 1 Lifestyles
نشاط 2 Life Stories
نشاط 3 When are you Travelling
نشاط 4 What Do I Need to Buy
نشاط EXPANSION Unuits 1-4
Term 2
نشاط 5 Since When
نشاط 6 Do You Know Where it is
نشاط 7 It's Good Deal, Isn't It
نشاط 8 Drive Slowly!
نشاط EXPANSION Units 5-8
Term 3
نشاط 9 all kinds of people
نشاط 10 Who Used My Toothpaste
نشاط 11 Making choices
نشاط 12 Culture Shock
نشاط EXPANSION Units 9-12
+ 8 Drive Slowly! 4 Language in Context 1. Mark the things that characterize an aggressive driver. رابط الدرس الرقمي 2. Mark the things you should/must do when you encounter one. 3. Compare and discuss your answers with a partner. Aggressive Drivers _ Drive dangerously and recklessly. Go through stop signs and red lights. Are courteous to other motorists. Tailgate-drive closely behind the car in front. Blow their horns and flash their lights. Let others pass them. Other: What to Do Get out of the way. . Challenge them to show you aren't scared. Ignore them and their gestures. Avoid eye contact. Blow your horn. Report them to the authorities. Other: 5 Listening Listen. Brandon is having a driving lesson. Mark the things he does right and wrong. 1. start the car 2. hold the steering wheel 3. obey the speed limit 4. park Right Wrong 6 Pronunciation Listen. Notice the vowel sound of /ǝ/ in should and must when they are pronounced quickly. Then practice. You should obey the driving laws. You shouldn't pass on the right. 7 About You You must be 18 to get a license. You mustn't go over the speed limit. 1. What is the driving age in your country? 2. Is the driving age the same for motorcycles? 3. What is the speed limit in your town/city? Is it too high or too low? 4. Do you see a lot of aggressive drivers? What do they do? 5. What are the most common traffic problems in your town? 6. What is the major cause of car accidents in your country? 7. What do you think are the difficulties of driving in your country? 8. Do you think it is a good idea to have speed cameras on some roads? 9. Have you ever seen or been in a road accident? What happened? وزارة التعليم Ministry 2ucation 2024-1446 SG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 82 30/4/24 12:32 AM

8 Conversation Father: George, I want you to drive slowly and carefully, and put on your seat belt. We have plenty of time. George: What time is your flight, Dad? Father: At 6:00 P.M. George: That's in three hours! You have two extra hours. The trip to the airport is less than an hour. Father: You should always arrive at least two hours before departure. We might run into traffic at this time of day. Why are we taking this road? George: Because it's quicker. Father: You can't be serious! You should use the highway. It's faster because it's more direct. Turn right Beg at the next traffic light. Hey, don't go so fast. Slow down! อง George: Dad, the speed limit here is 70 kilometers per hour, and I'm doing 60. Father: Be careful! You almost hit that car. You have to watch out for traffic. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 Real Talk You can't be serious! = used to express surprise or disbelief Hey = used to attract someone's attention = I'm doing 60. I'm driving 60 kilometers per hour. Your Ending What do you think George's response is? 1 OK, Dad. You know the first rule of safety: Don't talk to the driver. 2 OK, Dad. You drive. 3 Dad, why don't you get a cab? (4 Your idea: About the Conversation 1. How does the father want George to drive? 2. What should George do before he starts the car? 3. What does the father say about the time to arrive at the airport? 4. What must George watch out for? Your Turn A. Role-play this situation with a partner: You're going to the airport. You want to leave early. Your brother is going to drive. B. Role-play this situation with a partner: You're going somewhere in a taxi. You aren't in a hurry. The driver is speeding and driving recklessly. SG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 83 83 30/4/24 12:32 AM