Talk Time - we can 2-2 - ثاني ابتدائي
Unit1: Beautiful Nature
Unit2: Friends, Actions, Things
Unit 3: Wild Animals
Unit 4: From Here to There
نشاط Unit1: Beautiful Natue
نشاط Unit2: Friends, Actions, Things
نشاط Unit3: Wild Animals
نشاط Unit4: Form Here There
Unit 1 Beautiful Nature Goal 25 CD402 Beautiful Nature: Talk Time I can act out one of the talks about nature. I listened to CD4 02 Name days this week. Class 1 Listen, point, and practice. Trace. Look! It's a snake! It's short! No, it's longl Look! It's a plastic bag It's beautifull No, It's ugly! وزارة التعليم MIDA 201 TEHO WC_02_TERM2 COMBO TEXT 2028.indb 51 51 20/3/23 4:29 PM

Goal 26 4 0 Beautiful Nature: Talk Time I can find something beautiful or ugly and say "Look! It's a ...! It's beautiful (or ugly)." I listened to CD4 03 Name days this week. Class Listen, point, and practice. 2 Point and say by yourself. Trace. Look! It's a...! plastic bag hat flower It's beautiful. It's ugly. monster 回家回 Draw something beautiful and something ugly. Trace. وزارة التعليم M52 201, TAN beautiful ugly It's beautiful. It's ugly. WC_02_TERM2 COMBO TEXT 2023.indb 52 20/3/23 4:29 PM