Word Making Game
(887) 3.6 التقييم 3 التعليقات المشاركة

CIL 10 Phonics 1 Listen, read, and say. C and G Jingles says c, c, cat. says c, c, cake. says c, c, cap. says g, g, goat. says g, g, gorilla. says g, g, girl. CUL 11 Sounds and Letters 2 Listen, point, and say. Write gr, cr, gl, or cl. وزارة التعليم MIKLU (M8 20, TAKE WC_02_TERM2 COMBO TEXT 2023.indb 8 ass ab ass ass 20/3/23 4:28 PM


Listen, read, and say

شرح Listen, read, and say

Listen, point, and say. Write gr, cr, gl, or cl

شرح Listen, point, and say. Write gr, cr, gl, or cl حل Listen, point, and say. Write gr, cr, gl, or cl

CD 12 Fun Time! 3 Word Making Game Listen to the teacher and hold up the letters. bag, bag ana التعليم G b, b a, a We got it! g, g I Can ... ⚫ tell if the words start with c or g. ⚫ say two words that begin with c and two words that begin with g. Advice Time Nature is your home; look after it. Now go Lo page 34 WC_02_TERM2 COMBO TEXT 2023.indb 9 DOW 17 9 Unit 1 20/3/23 4:28 PM


Word Making Game

شرح Word Making Game
منذ شهرين
اليوم رحت المستشفى وسويت تحاليل هرمونات وقالت عندي هرمون مرتفع عالي
منذ شهرين
هاي كفيك أنا والله طيبة

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