Why are you writing to your mother - 5th student book - خامس اعدادي

كتاب النشاط
كتاب النشاط
Do Exercises A B in the Activity book.
Mohammed Hussein
(2) 5 التقييم 1 التعليقات المشاركة
Why are you writing to your mother ?

Listn and read

شرح Listn and read

Do Exercises A B in the Activity book.

شرح Do Exercises A B in the Activity book.

Write ps (present simple)

مہٰ۫۬ﹷٰﹷقہٰ۫۬ﹷٰﹷتہٰ۫۬ﹷٰﹷدى' الہٰ۫۬ﹷٰﹷزامليہٰ۫۬ۦ ﮰۣ
منذ 3 سنوات
عاشت ايدك استاذ بارك الله بيك 😘

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