expnation units - Super goal 1 - أول متوسط

expnation units 6-11

كتاب النشاط

expnation units 6-11

كتاب النشاط
expnation units

completethe convresoin

Write where the things are in your house

Work with a partner. Ask and answer

expnation units

Look at the picture and do the activities

expnation units

Do you send emails to friends?

expnation units

Answer yes or no. Mark’s family is small.

You are writing an email to a new friend. Circle the information you want to include. Add your own ideas. Then write your email. Use Mark’s email to help you.

Do you live in a quiet or busy neighborhood?

expnation units

My Neighb y Neighborhood!

expnation units

Read the meanings. Write the words from the chant.

Answer yes or no. The boy is a student.

Work in a group. Ask and answer questions about the people in the chant

Where is the boy sitting?

expnation units

Answer the questions.Tick T the boxes.Do you like to

In a group share your answers What jops are good for you

Whose schedule is most like yours?

expnation units

Whose schedule is most like yours?

Choose four activities from the chart, and write how often you do them. Use always, usually, sometimes, or never.

expnation units

Do you use the same words when you spwak Arabic

expnation units

Read the text .Answer yes or no. Some students never use English outside the classroom.

What other English words do you use in your country?

expnation units

Number theverses in the correct order

expnation units

Match the two parts . Write the number in the blank

comprehension. Answer yes or no

Keep a record of what you do in English each day