Where Do You Live - Super goal 1 - أول متوسط

كتاب النشاط

نشاط 7 Where Do You Live

كتاب النشاط

نشاط 7 Where Do You Live

Where Do You Live?

What are these words? They’re places in a neighborhood! Unscramble the words.

Make a conversation. Write the sentences in the correct order.

Where Do You Live?

Look at the map. Complete the sentences. Use across from, between, or next to.

Look at the map. Answer the questions. Make two sentences for each. Use on, near, or far from.

Look at the map. Complete the conversation. Help the tourist. The tourist is at the bookstore.

Where Do You Live?

Complete the sentences. Use in or on.

Beautiful Penang

Where Do You Live?

Is there a mall near your house? Are there good streets for shopping near you? Draw a map. Write the names of the stores on the map.

Write about your city.