TV Around the World - Mega goal 2 - ثاني ثانوي

كتاب النشاط

نشاط unit4: TV Around the World

كتاب النشاط

نشاط unit4: TV Around the World

TV Around the World

Unscramble the words 1. atborcsad

Write the words from exercise A above their synonyms. 1 They will air the TV show tomorrow night at 8.00.

TV Around the World

Underline the direct and indirect objects in the sentences. Write D.O. for the direct object and L.O. for the indirect object. 1 She told me a secret

Rewrite the sentences another way. Change the order of the direct and indirect objects in each sentence if it's not possible to change the order, write Not possible 1. They bought her a new l

TV Around the World

Complete the conversation with for or to. They are game show contestants and they are trying to create an advertising poster to promote their product

Correct the error in each sentence 1. He sold me it

TV Around the World

Look at the scenes from different TV shows. Write three sentences about each one Use a direct object and an indirect object in each sentence

Complete the conversation with the words from the box. Sue: What are you doing tomorrow at 2:00 p.m.?

TV Around the World

What do you think of TV game shows? Read the people's opinions and complete the chart Ahmed Othman Psychologist 50 years old

TV Around the World

Complete the questionnaire and check your score. Would you make a good game show contestant? Do you enjoy speaking in public?

TV Around the World

Look at the picture Take notes on what you can see (nouns) and what is happening (actions) Imagine where and when this meeting is taking place Then write sentences about it

TV Around the World

First, write notes in the chart What is the name of the show?

TV Around the World

Write the definite article the where necessary. 1 You can see ..... moon and ....... stars when ....... sun goes down at ...... night

Write the article a an, or the where necessary Sometimes more than one answer may be possible 1 We watched........ documentary on ...... TV about...... coral reefs in....... Red Sea, which a

TV Around the World

Complete the sentences with who, that, or which. More than one answer is possible for each sentence 1 The Ha'il Rally is a car race ....... attracts many spectators

Complete the sentences by writing all of the possible relative pronouns that could be used ,who, whom, that, which. Then tick (T) the box to show t 1. Arabic is a language.......requires a l