There s No Place Like Home - Mega goal 2 - ثاني ثانوي

كتاب النشاط

نشاط unit7: There’s No Place Like Home

كتاب النشاط

نشاط unit7: There’s No Place Like Home

There’s No Place Like Home

Write the missing letters

Write the words from exercise A next to the correct definitions below 1...... possibility

There’s No Place Like Home

Number the adjectives in the order. My Pablo lives in an (old/unique) house.

Write a sentence for each picture. Use two or adjectives in each sentence

There’s No Place Like Home

Insert too or enough into the correct place in each sentence 1. You're driving quickly (enough)

Write a sentence that has the same meaning Use too or enough

Write sentences using too or enough with the following words 1. small

There’s No Place Like Home

Correct the error in each sentence 1. He was to late to get on the airplane

Complete the conversation with the words and phrases from the box. I know, but ...... Don't get too excited

There’s No Place Like Home

Read the article about the White House Then answer true or false 1........ The White House was built 100 years ago

There’s No Place Like Home

Read the texts and answer the questions what is the shape of the Minaret of Jam?

There’s No Place Like Home

Write as many words as you can to describe each part of the building (objects) in the picture Then ante sentences to describe the building using at least three adjectives in the correct order

There’s No Place Like Home

Write about a famous house in your country. 1. Before you write, make notes in the chart. When was it built?

Now use your notes to help you write your essay

There’s No Place Like Home

Look at the map and read the conversation Then answer the questions 1. Where is Tom going?

Tom took the bus and missed his stop He is now at the Mall. Write new directions and help Tom find the park

There’s No Place Like Home

Look at the picture and read the conversation Mark O for offers and R for requests. Will you tell Sarah to bring some snacks from the kitchen?

Read each story write the conversation 1. Your younger sister wants a box of cookies from a high shelf in the kitchen. She can't get the box You offer to get the cookies for her Your sister a