Finding Out Tim - we can 3 - رابع ابتدائي

Finding Out Tim

1.Listen and practice I am going to Makkah

شرح 1.Listen and practice I am going to Makkah

2.Make two travel plans write , and say them

شرح 2.Make two travel plans write , and say them

3.Famous place quiz Circle the correct city . The Eiffel Tower is in

شرح 3.Famous place quiz Circle the correct city . The Eiffel Tower is in
Finding Out Tim

Listen practice the A part. Then listen again and practice the B part. A: Good evening. What would you like to eat?

شرح Listen practice the A part. Then listen again and practice the B part. A: Good evening. What would you like to eat?

You are You are on an airplane. Write your answers. 1. What would you like to drink?

شرح You are You are on an airplane. Write your answers. 1. What would you like to drink?

3.Missing Color Word Quiz I'd like some ...... juice please

شرح 3.Missing Color Word Quiz I'd like some ...... juice please