Finding Out Tim - we can 3 - رابع ابتدائي

Finding Out Tim

1.Fill in the missing words Then listen and check. What did you do over the weekend?

شرح 1.Fill in the missing words Then listen and check. What did you do over the weekend?

Read and practice

شرح Read and practice

Write A, B, C A DVD about sharks is .......

شرح Write A, B, C A DVD about sharks is .......
Finding Out Tim

1.Listen and practice. That is fantastic

شرح 1.Listen and practice. That is fantastic

2.Read and write your comments . Asma watched a documentary about sharks

شرح 2.Read and write your comments . Asma watched a documentary about sharks

Write A, B, or C They ...... computrr games

شرح Write A, B, or C  They ...... computrr games