Let s Celebrate - Super goal 1 - أول متوسط

كتاب النشاط

نشاط14 Let's Celebrate

كتاب النشاط

نشاط14 Let's Celebrate

Let's Celebrate

A. Look the photos .Complete the sentences. Tomorrow is septemper

B. Amr and Fahd are givining a graduation .Use the conversation .Use want or need

Let's Celebrate

C. Ashraf and Saeed are sending the aftermoon together .They are planingto go to the mail .Fill in the plank.Use n=me ,you,her,him,it,us or them

D. Unscramble the sentences 1. Our cousins /us/country home /their/always/invite/to

Let's Celebrate

E. Look at the photos. Write a suggestion for each one .

F. Write the dates.Use words Kuwait Liberation Day

Let's Celebrate

National Holidayes

Write about how you want to celebrate your country national holiday this year