expnation units - Super goal 1 - أول متوسط

كتاب النشاط

نشاط expnation units 6-11

كتاب النشاط

نشاط expnation units 6-11

expnation units 6-11

Read. Then answer the questions about the family.

Complete the sentences. Use there is, there are, is there, or are there.

expnation units 6-11

What are they doing? Complete the sentences.

Look at the map. Complete the sentences below. Use next to, on, across from, between, and on the corner of.

Complete the directions

expnation units 6-11

A. Look at the photos,Answer the questions .Write compelet the sentences,What does Hashim do

Write sentences.

Put this conversation in the correct order. Write numbers.

expnation units 6-11

Read and answer the questions.

now tell about you