What Can You Do There - Super goal 1 - أول متوسط

كتاب النشاط

نشاط12 What Can You Do There

كتاب النشاط

نشاط12 What Can You Do There

What Can You Do There

A. Complete the sentences, Ted likes to

B. Which of the following activities do you like which dont you like

What Can You Do There

C. Write sentences about gohn and Dennis .Use can or can not

D. Complete the sentences.Use like to.like to,doesnot like to, or dont like to

What Can You Do There

E. Which of the following activities can you do .which can not you do

F. Luke is writing a story for English class. Look at the photos.Compelete the story

What Can You Do There

The Cousins

Tell What you like and dont like to do