What Time Do You Get Up - Super goal 1 - أول متوسط

كتاب النشاط

نشاط11 What Time Do You Get Up

كتاب النشاط

نشاط11 What Time Do You Get Up

What Time Do You Get Up

A. Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences . Mr Shaw usually

What Time Do You Get Up

B. Look at the clocks. Complete the conversation what time is it

C. Filt in the correct words.Use at,in,and on

D. How often do you do these thing.Use always,usually.sometimes,and never

What Time Do You Get Up

Read Jamals weekday schedule .Then compelet the sentences below

What Time Do You Get Up

Read the artical about Faris: Faris’s Day

Write about your days. Use time expressions and adverbs of frequency