What s school like - Super goal 1 - أول متوسط

كتاب النشاط

نشاط10 What's school like

كتاب النشاط

نشاط10 What's school like

What's school like

A. It's the first.Dave and Sean are talking about their new classes complete the conversation .USE the words in the box

B. Ali is new students . He is talking to his new friend <Faahed . Complete the conversations.Use the words in the box

What's school like

C. Make a converstion between Ted and Ahmed.Numberthesentences in the correct order

D. Write the words in the correct orderto make sentences

What's school like

Read the sentences Answer the questions One of the people in the picture is steven friend

Describe the people in the picture: Gohn - Dean

What's school like

Read the text. Write the name in the box next to each person in the teachers room

Write an email to a friend . write about your school: What subjects do you take