Listen and Discuss - Super goal 2 - ثاني متوسط

كتاب النشاط
كتاب النشاط
Did you ever hear an unusual plece of news on the radio or YV? Tell about it
(6) 1.7 التقييم 9 التعليقات المشاركة

O 15 Today's News 1 Listen and Discuss Did you ever hear an unusual piece of news on the radio or TV? Talk about it. NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS NEW رابط الدرس الرقمي S NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS TUNED FOR BREAKING NEWS...STAY TUNED FOR BREAKING NEWS...STAY TUNE M OM © NEWS 5 A parrot named Percy was fired from the Bakersville Zoo. He was one of a dozen talking parrots, which are the zoo's main attraction. The parrots were performing in front of a crowd when Percy suddenly shrieked out improper language. The visitors and zookeepers were shocked. The zoo decided not to risk a repeat performance in front of children and kicked Percy out of the zoo. One zookeeper said, "We'll find a safe new home for Percy." وز 130 عليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 SG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 130 30/4/24 12:06 AM

Listen and Discuss

Did you ever hear an unusual plece of news on the radio or YV? Tell about it

شرح Did you ever hear an unusual plece of news on the radio or YV? Tell about it

A 76-year-old grandfather saved his 8-year-old grandson from a 13-foot-long (4-meter-long) anaconda. The boy was playing with friends near a small river in Cosmorama, Brazil, when the snake attacked him. The boy's grandfather was working nearby. When the grandfather heard the boy's screams, he ran to the riverside and was able to get the animal off the boy. The fight between the 0:08 snake and the man continued. Finally, someone managed to give the grandfather a big knife, and the grandfather killed the snake. Our hero was very strong, because it normally takes five men to overpower and get control of a snake that size. The H NEWS @ FIVE The last thing 17-year-old Ricardo Gordon remembers was that a storm was coming, and he was rushing to get inside. Next thing he knew, he was lying in a hospital bed. Here is what happened. Ricardo was listening to the live broadcast of the football game when lightning hit him. As a result, his hair and ears were burned, and he had dark spots all over his body. The wounds on his body followed the wire of his smartphone, from his ears down to his hip, where he was carrying the device. The electric current traveled from his smartphone to STAY TUNED • his headphones. Ricardo is lucky to be alive! ONED FC Quick Check ✓ A. Vocabulary. Match each word with the meaning. be fired shriek 1. 2. risk 4. get control 5. 6. wound device 1 2 3 4 5 6 a. dominate b. piece of equipment. c. lose one's job d. injury e. shout loudly f. take a chance B. Comprehension. Match the titles with the news stories. a. Shocking Match b. Tight Squeeze c. Bad Example C. Answer about the stories. 1. What did Percy do wrong? 2. What was the grandson doing when the snake appeared? 3. What was Ricardo doing when he was struck by lightning? 2 Pair Work A. Ask and answer about the stories. What was Ricardo doing when the lightning hit him? He was listening to the football game on his smartphone. B. Ask and answer about yourself. What were you doing when the big storm started? I was waiting for a bus. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 SG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 131 131 30/4/24 12:06 AM

Listen and Discuss


شرح The NEWS @ FIVE

Vocabulary Match each word with the meaning

شرح Vocabulary Match each word with the meaning حل Vocabulary Match each word with the meaning

Ask and answer about the stories

شرح Ask and answer about the stories حل Ask and answer about the stories
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