EXPANSION - Super goal 2 - ثاني متوسط

EXPANSION Units 6-11

كتاب النشاط

EXPANSION Units 6-11

كتاب النشاط
Resarch some tourist on your counryand make a presentation to the class
(0) 0 التقييم 1 التعليقات المشاركة

EXPANSION Units 6-11 1 Language Review A. How good is your memory? Answer the following questions about your past. Write complete sentences. 1. Who was your first-grade teacher? 2. Who were your best friends in primary school? 3. What was the first book you read? 4. When was the last time you ate in a restaurant? What did you eat? 5. How long ago did you have a haircut? 6. What did you have for breakfast yesterday? B. Write what is wrong with the people in the pictures. Then write what they should or shouldn't do. Follow the example. Yahya / dentist 1. Mona/rest 2. the children / junk food 3. Farah/hot tea 2. 3. 4. - 2 3 4 5 وزار 98 عليم 4. Ali and Imad / medicine 5. Ahmed/go swimming Yahya has a toothache. He should go to the dentist. Ministry of Education 2024-1446 SG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 98 30/4/24 12:05 AM


Write what is wrong with the people in the pictures

شرح Write what is wrong with the people in the pictures حل Write what is wrong with the people in the pictures

How good is your memory? Answer the following questions about your past

وزارة التعليم C. Write answers. Use your own ideas. 1. Why are you so angry? 2. Why are you surprised? 3. Why are you relieved? 4. Why are you sad? 5. Why are you worried? 6. Why do you feel bored? + D. Complete the field trip report. Use the past tense of the verbs in parentheses. FIELD TRIP REPORT Timothy Brown, PE Teacher, Lakeside School The junior class (1. go) on a field trip to Camp Sunshine during the spring vacation. Unfortunately, we lots of problems on the trip. First, the bus down. When we finally night, we (2. have) (3. break) (4. arrive) at the camp late at (6. not (5. find) that the cabins have) any heating. We (7. be) cold all night, and Steve (8. wake up) with a cold. That morning on our hike, (9. eat) some wild berries in the forest and (11. take) (10. get) a stomachache. He some medicine, but he Chuck that. On the second day, Dan playing football, and Mitch and Peter (12. not feel) well after (13. hurt) his knee (14. catch) On the third day, Hussain (15. feel) bad because of a terrible toothache. I (16. give) Steve's cold. aspirin to all of them. I'm a PE teacher, not a doctor. What do you do when everyone is sick on a trip? We our bags and Ministry of Education 2024-1446 SG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 99 (18. come) back home. (17. pack) 99 30/4/24 12:05 AM


Complete the field trip report. Use the past tense of the verbs in parentheses

شرح Complete the field trip report. Use the past tense of the verbs in parentheses حل Complete the field trip report. Use the past tense of the verbs in parentheses

Write answers. Use your own ideas

حل Write answers. Use your own ideas

EXPANSION Units 6-11 100عليم E. Use the information in the chart to answer the questions about the three cities. Write complete sentences. Najran 410,300 inhabitants Dammam Population Location 1,253,000 inhabitants coastal port mountain oasis Summer temperature 24-43° Celsius 27-39° Celsius Winter temperature 10-21° Celsius 10-24° Celsius History 20th century Main industries Universities oil, shipping four Cultural interest Recreation museums, heritage village, public library large parks, beaches, water sports, sports centers, shopping 4,000 B.C.E. agriculture (fruit) one palace, museum, archaeological sites, traditional market parks, sports centers, bowling alley Tabuk 657,000 inhabitants hills, desert plains 26-40° Celsius 4-17° Celsius 1,500 B.C.E. agriculture, military two archaeological sites, historic mosque, castle nature parks, hiking, camping, sand skiing, camel riding 1. Which city has the hottest summer weather? 2. Which city is cooler in the winter, Najran or Tabuk? 3. Which city do you think is the noisiest? 4. Which city has the most ancient history? 5. Which city do you think offers better paying jobs? 6. Which city probably has fewer college students? 7. Which do you think is the most interesting town? Why? 8. Which do you think is the nicest town to live in? Why? Hisma Desert near Tabuk Corniche in Dammam Ministry of Education 2024-1446 SG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 100 Al-Aan Palace in Najran 30/4/24 12:05 AM


Use the information in the chart to answer the questions

شرح Use the information in the chart to answer the questions حل Use the information in the chart to answer the questions

+ F. Adnan is on vacation in New York City. Complete his postcard to a friend with the correct verbs. New York, August 20 Dear Tariq, this postcard in English because I to practice the language. New York City is a wonderful city, but it's really hot in August. There thousands of tourists here from all over the I'm (1) (2) (3) place. You always (4) Yesterday I (5) very lots of people on the streets. to the Statue of Liberty. It's to see the lights in Times group impressive. Tonight I (6) Square. Tomorrow the other students in the (7) and I to visit the Empire State Building. Some people up planned to (8) the Eiffel Tower), but you (9) (10) I'm (11) Your friend, Adnan the 1,860 steps to the top (like in do that anymore. You to take the elevator. a great time. Wish you were here! G. Complete the conversations with the correct possessive pronouns. 1. A: Whose shoes are these? Are they Dad's? B: Yes, they're 2. A: Is that Mariam's perfume? B: No, that isn't Her perfume is in the drawer. 3. A: Don't eat that! It isn't B: Oh, yes it is. It's Mom gave it to me. 4. A: Is this your house? B: Yes, it's My wife and I bought it last year. وزارة التعليم H. Give excuses for the following. Use have to. Use your own ideas. I couldn't come to the park because I had to babysit my little brother 1. He can't come to the football game because 2. I was late to class this morning because 3. I didn't do my homework because 4. She's not going shopping because 5. I didn't call you back because Ministry of Education 2024-1446 SG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 101 101 30/4/24 12:05 AM


Complete his postcard to a friend with the correct verbs

شرح Complete his postcard to a friend with the correct verbs حل Complete his postcard to a friend with the correct verbs

Complete the conversations with the correct possive pronouns

شرح Complete the conversations with the correct possive pronouns حل Complete the conversations with the correct possive pronouns

Give excuses for the following

شرح Give excuses for the following حل Give excuses for the following

EXPANSION Units 6-11 2 Reading Before Reading Look at the photos and discuss what you know about the places. Things to do in Paris Eiffel Tower Paris The City of Light The Eiffel Tower is one of the world's most popular and well-known sites. It is named after its architect, Gustave Eiffel, and was built in 1889 for the Universal Exposition. The tower is 1,062 feet (324 meters) high and offers fantastic views of the city. Very often, visitors have to wait in line to take the elevator to the observation deck. But the wait is worth it. At night, the tower itself becomes a beautifully illuminated sculpture. The Eiffel Tower is the most-visited building in the world. It welcomes around 7 million. visitors per year. وز102عليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 SG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 102 The Louvre The Louvre was originally a royal palace. In 1516, Leonardo da Vinci came to France as a painter for the Royal Court, and brought with him the painting of Mona Lisa. The king acquired it, and it became part of the royal collection. Today the painting stands in the Louvre in a climate-controlled enclosure behind bulletproof glass. In the 1600s, the Louvre was a palace that contained art and rich decorations, and it only opened as a museum in 1793. The renovation of the museum in 1981 made it even more beautiful, and a pyramid was built as an entrance. Today, the Louvre is the world's largest museum and possesses the world's largest and richest collection of art and antiques from around the world. 30/4/24 12:05 AM


Paris The City of Light

شرح Paris The City of Light حل Paris The City of Light

O Arc de Triomphe and the Champs Elysées The Arc de Triomphe is a magnificent site at the end of the Champs Elysées, and one of the most famous monuments of Paris. Napoleon I ordered the construction of the monument in 1806 to celebrate his conquests. He got the idea from the triumphal arches of the emperors in ancient Rome. The Arc de Triomphe is a landmark in Paris because of its size and beauty. From the Arc de Triomphe, you can enjoy a walk along the Champs Elysées. There are many shops, restaurants, and cafés along this boulevard. Be sure you stop off at a crêpe stand on one of the side streets. The chocolate crêpes are absolutely wonderful! Seine River Tours Boat tours along the Seine run throughout the day and evening. Many include lunch or dinner. The boats depart from the Pont de l'Alma (on the Right Bank) or from the foot of the Eiffel Tower (on the Left Bank). You can see many attractions on the trip, such as the Île de la Cité in the middle of the river as well as some of Paris's famous bridges. After Reading Answer yes or no. 1. Leonardo da Vinci brought a painting with him to France. 2. The Louvre Museum is famous for its views of Paris. 3. The Eiffel Tower is the most popular tourist sight in the world. 4. The Arc de Triomphe is famous because it has Napoleon's tomb. ம் 5. The Île de la Cité is an island in the middle of the Seine River. Discussion 1. You and a friend are going on vacation to Paris. Discuss what you're going to do there. Tell the class about it. 2. Compare Paris to other cities you know. Which city is best to visit? Why? 3 Project o Research some tourist sites in your country and make a presentation to the class. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 SG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 103 103 30/4/24 12:05 AM


Arc de Triomphe and the Champs Elysees

شرح Arc de Triomphe and the Champs Elysees

Resarch some tourist on your counryand make a presentation to the class

شرح Resarch some tourist on your counryand make a presentation to the class حل Resarch some tourist on your counryand make a presentation to the class

After reading Answer yes or no

شرح After reading Answer yes or no حل After reading Answer yes or no

what you’re going to do there. Tell the class about it

شرح what you’re going to do there. Tell the class about it حل what you’re going to do there. Tell the class about it

EXPANSION Units 6-11 4 Chant Along The (Right) Answer What do you do when you feel lonely? What do you do when you feel blue? Just come around and listen to me. I've got the right answers for you. Chorus A little bit of hope is what you need― A little bit of fun and lots of care, A friendly person you can talk to, A helping hand when no one's there. What should you do in times of trouble? What should you do when you are sad? Why don't you bring me all your worries? I'm sure that things can't be so bad. Chorus What can I do to make you happy? What can I do to ease your pain? What can I do to cheer you up, And see you smiling once again? pic104jg Ministry of Education 2024-1446 SG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 104 Chorus + 9 9 7 12 30/4/24 12:05 AM


The Right Answer. What do you do when you feel lonely

شرح The Right Answer. What do you do when you feel lonely

وزارة التعليم + Vocabulary A. Put the following words into one of the two categories. lonely, blue, fun, hope, care, friendly, trouble, sad, worries, bad, happy, pain, smiling Positive (+) Negative (-) B. Find two positive expressions and two negative expressions in the chant. Write them in the blanks. (+) to ease your pain (-) to feel blue 1. (+) 2. (+) 3. (-) 4. (-) Comprehension A. Answer the questions. 1. How is the boy feeling? 2. What can his friend do to help him? 3. Do you think the friend has the right answers? B. Write two sentences that show that the friend is trying to help. I've got the right answers for you. Discussion 1. What do you do when you feel sad? 2. Who do you normally discuss your problems with? 3. Who can you ask for advice? 4. What kind of advice do you give your friends? 5. Think of another title for the chant. Ministry of Education 2024-1446 SG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 105 105 30/4/24 12:05 AM


Put the following words into one of the two categories

شرح Put the following words into one of the two categories حل Put the following words into one of the two categories

Find two positive expressions and two negative expressions in the chant. Write them in the blanks

شرح Find two positive expressions and two negative expressions in the chant. Write them in the blanks حل Find two positive expressions and two negative expressions in the chant. Write them in the blanks

How is the boy feeling

شرح How is the boy feeling حل How is the boy feeling

Write two sentences that show that the friend is trying to help

شرح Write two sentences that show that the friend is trying to help حل Write two sentences that show that the friend is trying to help

What do you do when you feel sad

شرح What do you do when you feel sad
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