grammar - Super goal 1 - أول متوسط

كتاب النشاط
كتاب النشاط
Work with a partner ask and answer Can Fred play basketball
(43) 3.6 التقييم 121 التعليقات المشاركة

Modal: can

شرح Modal: can حل Modal: can

Complete the sentences with can, can't and the verb in parentheses

شرح Complete the sentences with can, can't and the verb in parentheses حل Complete the sentences with can, can't and the verb in parentheses

Work with a partner ask and answer Can Fred play basketball

شرح Work with a partner ask and answer Can Fred play basketball

Listen to the ad for the new TownMall and write yes or no

شرح Listen to the ad for the new TownMall and write yes or no حل Listen to the ad for the new TownMall and write yes or no

Listen to the pronuncition of can and cant Then practice

شرح Listen to the pronuncition of can and cant Then practice حل Listen to the pronuncition of can and cant Then practice

Ask a partner use the picture in exerciseB Which activities can you do

شرح Ask a partner use the picture in exerciseB Which activities can you do حل Ask a partner use the picture in exerciseB Which activities can you do
Hadi Alzidan
منذ سنة
لك ان ترى التقييمات بين الشروحات الاخرى وشروحات معلمي عين .. حينها تعرف أن معلمي الوزارة يحتاجون الى من يوضح لهم طريقة الشرحة المبسطة التي يستطيعون بها ايصال المعلومات الى ذهن الطالب .. اصبخت مادة اللغة الانجليزية مادة صعبة ومعقدة والسبب طريقة التعليم المقدمه من قبلهم ..
Maram .
منذ سنتين
ما فهمت حا جه ايش يقول
Maram .
منذ سنتين
Maram .
منذ سنتين
ليه ما تتكلم عربي

الرجاء تسجيل الدخول لكتابة تعليق