.Listen and practice. Trace and copy
(21) 4.5 التقييم 7 التعليقات المشاركة

Unit 2 What's This? What's That? Goal 33 410 What's This? What's That? Talk Time I can ask "What's this?", "What's that?" and get the answer. I listened to CD4 10 Name days this week. Class 回回 回家 Listen and practice. Trace. What's this? ENTRY It's a triangle.) What's that? 2 Trace and write. A It's a book. B قرارة التعليم MALL HOU 2014 WC_01_TERM2 COMBO, TEXT 2023.indb 57 57 20/3/23 6:01 PM

Talk Time

.Listen and practice. Trace and copy

شرح .Listen and practice. Trace and copy حل .Listen and practice. Trace and copy

Trace and write A

شرح Trace and write A حل Trace and write A

Goal 34 C4 What's This? What's That? Talk Time I can point and say "This is an apple" and "That's a book" I listened to CD4 11 Name days this week. Class 1 Listen and practice. Trace. This is an apple. That's an eraser. 1 This is a pen. That's an orange That's a book. Trace and write. D وزارة التعليم MALT 58 20, 144 WC 01 TERM2 COMBO TEXT 2028.indb 58 20/3/23 6:01 PM

Talk Time

Listen and practice. Trace What’s this

شرح Listen and practice. Trace What’s this حل Listen and practice. Trace What’s this

Trace and write C D

شرح Trace and write C D حل Trace and write C D
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Amon Aleufi
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خير تقول...عيب تراك منت عند الي تعرفه وكمان مو في بيتك انت ترا انا مو قصدي تنمر🥺💔

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