.Listen, point, and practice It's rainy today
(11) 4.5 التقييم 1 التعليقات المشاركة

Goal 69 C03 14 Days and Weather: Words I can say three sentences about weather. I listened to CD3 14 nces about wed days this week. Nome Class Listen, point, and practice. Trace. It's rainy today. It's windy today. It's rainy today. It's sunny today 2 Trace and write. وزارة التعليم JE WC_01_TERM_COMBO TEXT 2023.indb 53 53 20/3/23 6:32 PM


.Listen, point, and practice It's rainy today

شرح .Listen, point, and practice It's rainy today حل .Listen, point, and practice It's rainy today

Trace and write Qq

شرح Trace and write Qq حل Trace and write Qq

Goal 70 315 Days and Weather: Words I can say what the weather is like today. I listened to CD3 15 Name weather is like toda days this week. Class 1 Listen, practice, and say. Trace. It's sunny today. It's sunny and windy today. Write the weather today. وزارة التعليم 54 It's Trace and write. WC_01_TERM_COMBO TEXT 2023.indb 54 today. 20/3/23 6:32 PM


.Listen, practice, and say I's sunny today

شرح .Listen, practice, and say I's sunny today حل .Listen, practice, and say I's sunny today

Trace and write Ss

شرح Trace and write Ss حل Trace and write Ss
Om Mohammed
منذ سنتين
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

الرجاء تسجيل الدخول لكتابة تعليق