Words with b p - we can 1-3 - أول ابتدائي
Unit1: Animals
Unit2: Days and Weather
Unit3: Feelings and Things
نشاط Unit1: Animals
نشاط Unit2: Days and Weather
نشاط Unit3: Feelings and Things
спе 06 Cb2 07 C02 08 cbz 09 Words with b, p ● Listen, point, and say. b bear P pear Listen to the sound, check, and write. Then draw a line to the right picture. 1. b ☑ P ag 2. b P uzzle 3. b P Led 4. b p uppet 5. b all ● Listen, point, and say. -b tub -P top Listen to the sound, check, and write. Then draw a line to the right picture. 1. b p 2. b P 3. b 4.b 5. b دارة التعليم CH-28 E WC_01_TERMS COMBO TEXT 2023.indb 28 P a a a ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ clap cu сга cu Ro 20/3/23 6:31 PM

listen point and say tub , top
listen point and say bear , pear
CAR 20 CDF 11 Words with ch, sh ● Listen, point, and say. ch chicken lunch sh Phonics Practice sheep → Listen and circle the word. Then match with a picture. 1. chicken children chosen shaken 2. lamp lunch ranch launch 3. chip jeep sheep shop 4. cheese cheap check chick 5. shop ship soap chip Read and match. Then listen and check. 1. A sheep is on the ship. 2. I like chocolate. 3. I like fish for lunch. 4. A ship is on the fish! جزارة التعليم WC 01 TERMS COMBO TEXT 2023.indb 20 29 2013/23 6:31 PM

listen point and say chicken
C52 13 CDZ I Words with a_e, i_e Long Vowels Listen, point, and say. Then write a or a_e. a tap ср a e tape → Listen, point, and say. Then write / or i_e. pin J_m c_k_ 9 pine n_n Listen to the sound and circle the right word. Then match with a picture. 1. white whit what 2. hate hat that 3. save van vase 4. nice ring rice وزارة التعليم E 30 WC_01_TERM3 COMBO TEXT 2023,indb 30 20/3/23 6:31 PM

CD217 Phonics Practice Words with v, f ● Listen, point, and say. Then write v or f. van fan ase ace Listen and circle the word. Then match with a picture. 1. five fine fire file 2. fax fox four fat 3. vat ran man van 4. wish fish fin fine 5. football footbath basketball volleyball 6. face raise vase save 5 > Find and write the words. fivevanfoxfarmfoodfrogvaseseven Fishelevenfacefootball 1. five 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 10. 11. 12. 31 وزارة التعليم WC 01 TERMS COMBO TEXT 2023.indb 31 20/3/23 6:31 PM

che 18 092 19 Words with o_e and u_e Long Vowels ● Listen, point, and say. u u top rope cub cube > Listen to the sound and circle the right word. Then match with a picture. 1. rope pore nope 2. role rose rise 3. tube tub but 4. cut cute tut 5. nose soon pose 6. cub tube cube > Find and write the words. Fose platefivecutcubeliketopricarapetubenos pin 1. rose 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 10. 11. 12. وزارة التعليم E 32 WC_01_TERM_COMBO TEXT 2023.indb 32 20/3/23 6:31 PM