Writing - Super goal 1 - أول متوسط

كتاب النشاط
كتاب النشاط
Write sentences with but to describe how picture B is different from picture A.
(21) 2.9 التقييم 56 التعليقات المشاركة

Complete the chart with notes that describe your home. What things are in each room? What words describe the rooms? What is your favorite room? Why?

شرح Complete the chart with notes that describe your home. What things are in each room? What words describe the rooms? What is your favorite room? Why?

Tell the class about your dream house. Find pictures on the Internet or in magazines. Make a poster.

شرح Tell the class about your dream house. Find pictures on the Internet or in magazines. Make a poster.

Read the text. Circle the adjectives that describe the home or the things in it.

شرح Read the text. Circle the adjectives that describe the home or the things in it. حل Read the text. Circle the adjectives that describe the home or the things in it.

Describe your home. Use your notes from the chart in exercise A

شرح Describe your home. Use your notes from the chart in exercise A

Coordinating Conjunctions: and, but, or

شرح Coordinating Conjunctions: and, but, or

Write sentences with and to describe the kitchen in picture A.

شرح Write sentences with and to describe the kitchen in picture A. حل Write sentences with and to describe the kitchen in picture A.

Write sentences with but to describe how picture B is different from picture A.

شرح Write sentences with but to describe how picture B is different from picture A. حل Write sentences with but to describe how picture B is different from picture A.

Work with a partner. Student A: choose a kitchen. Student B: ask questions with or to find out which kitchen it is. Change roles.

شرح Work with a partner. Student A: choose a kitchen. Student B: ask questions with or to find out which kitchen it is. Change roles.
مصعب السقياني
منذ 4 أشهر
لا تشرحون ما فيه احد يتابع
피투성이 💗😭
منذ 9 أشهر
لازم تتكلم عربي
علي احمد
منذ سنة
لازم تتكلم عربي عشات نفهم
حسن الكبيبي
منذ سنة
ادم تتكلم عربي

الرجاء تسجيل الدخول لكتابة تعليق