Writing - Super goal 1 - أول متوسط

كتاب النشاط
كتاب النشاط
Make a brochure for a museum and label the objects in it.
جاسم العقيلي
(121) 4.6 التقييم 66 التعليقات المشاركة

What is a museum you know? What are your favorite objects in the museum? Write notes in the chart. Describe the age, size, or where the objects are from. You can use words like: old, new, mod

شرح What is a museum you know? What are your favorite objects in the museum? Write notes in the chart. Describe the age, size, or where the objects are from. You can use words like: old, new, mod

Read the text. What objects are in the museum? What words describe the objects? Underline the guide’s instructions.

شرح Read the text. What objects are in the museum? What words describe the objects? Underline the guide’s instructions. حل Read the text. What objects are in the museum? What words describe the objects? Underline the guide’s instructions.

Be a museum guide. Write about your favorite objects in a museum.

شرح Be a museum guide. Write about your favorite objects in a museum.

Make a brochure for a museum and label the objects in it.

شرح Make a brochure for a museum and label the objects in it.

The Definite Article: the

شرح The Definite Article: the

Write the definite article the where necessary.

شرح Write the definite article the where necessary. حل Write the definite article the where necessary.

Write the article a, an, or the where necessary.

شرح Write the article a, an, or the where necessary. حل Write the article a, an, or the where necessary.
أ / وفاء الشهري
منذ 10 أشهر
شرك ممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممممرررررررررة يجننننننن
منذ 10 أشهر
مشاء الله ❤️🥰
Sara Sweer
منذ 10 أشهر
شرح ممتاز🔪💔
منذ 11 شهر
مرا حلو

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