conversation - Mega goal 2 - ثاني ثانوي

كتاب النشاط
كتاب النشاط
Role-play with a partner Explain to your partner how to do something. Use phrases to ask for clarification and confirm from the box
زهرة العامر
(18) 4.5 التقييم 7 التعليقات المشاركة

1 Connected by Technology 4 Conversation رابط الدرس الرقمي ? Grandma: What are you doing, Cara? Cara: I'm texting Maria. I haven't seen her all week, so I'm just saying "hi." Grandma: What's that beep? Cara: Grandma: Cara: It's Maria. She just sent a text message back to me. I don't understand. How on earth do you type what you want to say so quickly? You don't actually type the words out. You use abbreviations and acronyms. Hold on. I'll show you. Right now I'm asking if she wants to come over and hang out. Grandma: That's a lot to type. Hello Hello you :) haha... A Texting Acronyms WU? What's up? LOL laughing out loud Cara: Right. So instead I type "DYWT come ovr." Does that make sense? B4N bye for now Grandma: DYWT? What does that mean? Cara: DYWT means "Do you want to." It's the first letter of each word. Grandma: Oh. OK. Now what? Cara: She'll respond in a second. (beep) There. Grandma: What did she say? Cara: (spelling it out) Gr8. B ovr n 10 mins. Grandma: I think I get it. She's saying, "Great. Be over in ten minutes." Cara: Now you've got the hang of it, Grandma! Real Talk How on earth? = How is it possible Hold on. Wait a moment. = hang out spend time together informally = get it understand got the hang of it = started to understand something About the Conversation In pairs, ask and answer the questions. Then switch roles. 1. What doesn't the grandmother understand? 2. What acronym does the grandmother learn? What texting acronyms do you use? 3. Tell your partner about a time you explained something or learned something new from someone. Your Turn Role-play with a partner. Explain to your partner how to do something. Use phrases to ask for clarification and confirm from the box. Asking For Clarification and Confirming I don't understand. Can you explain it? Does that make sense? How do you...? What does that mean? I get it. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024 1046 MG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 10 30/4/24 2:29 AM


Conversation Grandma What are you doing, Cara?

شرح Conversation Grandma What are you doing, Cara?

In pairs, ask and answer the questions. Then switch roles. 1. What doesn't the grandmother understand?

شرح In pairs, ask and answer the questions. Then switch roles. 1. What doesn't the grandmother understand? حل In pairs, ask and answer the questions. Then switch roles. 1. What doesn't the grandmother understand?

Role-play with a partner Explain to your partner how to do something. Use phrases to ask for clarification and confirm from the box

شرح Role-play with a partner Explain to your partner how to do something. Use phrases to ask for clarification and confirm from the box

5 Listening Listen to a father talk to his son about using his cell phone. Write the numbers. 1. How many cell phone minutes does Michael think he has used this month? 2. How many minutes has he actually used? 3. How much does it cost for 900 minutes? 4. How much does each additional minute over the plan cost? 5. How much does Michael's bill add up to this month? 6. How much of the bill does Michael's father suggest he pay? 6 Pronunciation SABORG When counting "teen" numbers, such as thirteen and fourteen, stress the first syllable. In most other cases, we tend to stress the last syllable in "teen" numbers. When using these words to talk about quantity, time, or money, stress the second syllable. In “ten” numbers, such as twenty and thirty, always stress the first syllable. Listen and repeat the sentences. Circle the correctly stressed numbers. 1. SEVENteen 2. FORty 3. FIFteen sevenTEEN forTY fifTEEN 4. THIRteen 5. THIRty thirTEEN thirTY 7 Vocabulary Building A A. You will see these words in the reading on pages 12 and 13. Put each word into a category in the chart. asthma cyber extraordinary networking paramedics posted unique virtual Related to Computers Synonym for "Special" Related to Health pilcï|| B. Check your answers with a partner. If you do not understand the meaning of a word, look it up in a dictionary. Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 11 11 30/4/24 2:29 AM


Listen to a father talk to his son about using his cell phone. Write the numbers 1. How many cell phone minutes does Michael think he has used this month?

شرح Listen to a father talk to his son about using his cell phone. Write the numbers 1. How many cell phone minutes does Michael think he has used this month? حل Listen to a father talk to his son about using his cell phone. Write the numbers 1. How many cell phone minutes does Michael think he has used this month?

Listen and repeat the sentences Circle the correctly stressed numbers 1. SEVENteen sevenTEEN

شرح Listen and repeat the sentences Circle the correctly stressed numbers 1. SEVENteen sevenTEEN حل Listen and repeat the sentences Circle the correctly stressed numbers 1. SEVENteen sevenTEEN

You will see these words in the reading on pages 12 and 13. Put each word into a category in the chart

شرح You will see these words in the reading on pages 12 and 13. Put each word into a category in the chart حل You will see these words in the reading on pages 12 and 13. Put each word into a category in the chart
Elham Al
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