conversation - Mega goal 2 - ثاني ثانوي

كتاب النشاط
كتاب النشاط
Listen to the results of a survey on job satisfaction Complete the chart.
(4) 4.8 التقييم 2 التعليقات المشاركة

5 Working 9 to 5 4 Conversation ? Adnan: Hey, Rob. I'm in a bind. Can you help me out? Rob: Adnan: Rob: What's the problem? I'm supposed to work tomorrow, but there's something I've got to do. Could you cover for me? You just asked me to cover for you on Monday. What's so important that I have to keep doing your job? Adnan: OK, I'll tell you, but I'd Rob: appreciate it if you would keep it to yourself. I'm interviewing for another job, and I'm really close to getting it. You were just hired here a few weeks ago. I can't believe you're thinking about leaving already. Adnan: Yeah, I know. But the job I'm interviewing for is a dream job. I'd be a tester at a video game development company. Rob: No kidding? Wow. Well, I still don't think it's right for you to jump ship like that, but all right. I'll cover for you. Adnan: Thanks a lot. I'm going to take off now. Hey, Adnan? Rob: Adnan: Yeah? رابط الدرس الرقمي Rob: If you get the job, do you think you could ask them if they need anyone else? Adnan: Will do. About the Conversation 1. Why does Adnan ask Rob to cover for him? 2. How does Rob initially react to the request? 3. What favor does Rob ask of Adnan? Real Talk = in a bind in a difficult situation help me out = do me a favor cover = take someone's place, often in a work situation keep it to yourself = not tell anyone No kidding? = Really? jump ship = leave a job suddenly, usually to go to a new job take off = leave Will do. = short for "I will do it." Your Turn Role-play with a partner. Ask your partner for a favor. Your partner is unwilling to grant the favor until understanding why it is necessary. Use the phrases for asking for favors. Asking for Favors Do you think you could...? Do me a favor and... I'd really appreciate it if you would... Would it be possible/too much trouble...? What are the chances you could...? I hate to ask, but... وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-7646 MG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 76 30/4/24 2:30 AM


Hey, Rob. I'm in a bind. Can you help me out?

شرح Hey, Rob. I'm in a bind. Can you help me out? حل Hey, Rob. I'm in a bind. Can you help me out?

Role-play with a partner. Ask your partner for a favor Your partner is unwilling to grant the favor until understanding why it is necessary Use the phrases for asking for favors.

شرح Role-play with a partner. Ask your partner for a favor Your partner is unwilling to grant the favor until understanding why it is necessary Use the phrases for asking for favors.

5 Listening Listen to the results of a survey on job satisfaction. Complete the chart. Majority Job Reason Satisfied? 1. social workers Yes/No 2. firefighters Yes/No 3. authors Yes/No 4. lawyers Yes/No 5. pediatricians Yes/No 6. cashiers Yes/No 7. telemarketers Yes/No 6 Pronunciation In words ending with -tion, -cian, and -sion, the next-to-last syllable is stressed. Listen and practice. 1. Firefighters are in second position with an impressive 80 percent satisfaction rating. 2. Not all prestigious professions did as well as expected. 3. Both physicians and lawyers scored only 48 percent each. 4. Pediatricians proved to be an interesting exception. 5. Fast food preparation workers have a 34 percent satisfaction rating. 6. Job selection is one of the most important decisions we make. 7 Vocabulary Building A A. You will see these words in the reading on pages 78 and 79. Match the words with their meanings. - 2 3 4 5 6 N∞o a. disease or sickness received from someone or something b. exactly the same c. to decide or discover d. confined, kept under restraint or control 1. analyze 2. determine 3. identifying 4. allergens 5. identical e. a natural talent or ability 6. flair 7. captive 8. infection f. determining what something is g. to study closely h. substances that cause sensitivity or reactions in some people B. Check your answers with a partner. If you do not understand the meaning of a word, .ok tup in a dictionary التعليم look Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 77 77 30/4/24 2:30 AM HOW DO YOU RATE YOUR JOB? Job was challenging Skills were effectively used Job orientation was effective Work load was reasonable Sufficient resources were available Work environment was safe, comfortable and appropriately equipped Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree


Listen to the results of a survey on job satisfaction Complete the chart.

شرح Listen to the results of a survey on job satisfaction Complete the chart. حل Listen to the results of a survey on job satisfaction Complete the chart.

In words ending with -bion, -cian, and -sion, the next-to-last syllable is stressed. Listen and practice 1. Firefighters are in second position with an impressive 80 percent satisfaction rati

شرح In words ending with -bion, -cian, and -sion, the next-to-last syllable is stressed. Listen and practice 1. Firefighters are in second position with an impressive 80 percent satisfaction rati

You will see these words in the reading on page 74 and 75 Match the words with their meanings 1. analyze

شرح You will see these words in the reading on page 74 and 75 Match the words with their meanings 1. analyze حل You will see these words in the reading on page 74 and 75 Match the words with their meanings 1. analyze
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