Writing - Mega goal 2 - ثاني ثانوي

كتاب النشاط
كتاب النشاط
Consider the questions below and discuss with a partner 1 What genre of TV films do you like to watch? Do you prefer action films, science fiction comedy or drama?
(1) 5 التقييم التعليقات المشاركة

Consider the questions below and discuss with a partner 1 What genre of TV films do you like to watch? Do you prefer action films, science fiction comedy or drama?

شرح Consider the questions below and discuss with a partner 1 What genre of TV films do you like to watch? Do you prefer action films, science fiction comedy or drama? حل Consider the questions below and discuss with a partner 1 What genre of TV films do you like to watch? Do you prefer action films, science fiction comedy or drama?

Think of a book you have recently read. Make some notes in the chart below Title of book

شرح Think of a book you have recently read. Make some notes in the chart below Title of book حل Think of a book you have recently read. Make some notes in the chart below Title of book
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