grammar - Super goal 1 - أول متوسط

كتاب النشاط
كتاب النشاط
A. Complete the conversations. Use was/was not or were/were not
(16) 2.5 التقييم 35 التعليقات المشاركة

Simple Past Tense: be

شرح Simple Past Tense: be حل Simple Past Tense: be

A. Complete the conversations. Use was/was not or were/were not

شرح A. Complete the conversations. Use was/was not or were/were not حل A. Complete the conversations. Use was/was not or were/were not

B. Work with a partner. Imgine you went on vacation

شرح B. Work with a partner. Imgine you went on vacation حل B. Work with a partner. Imgine you went on vacation

Listen to the description of the life of Majed Ahmed Abdullah

شرح Listen to the description of the life of Majed Ahmed Abdullah حل Listen to the description of the life of Majed Ahmed Abdullah

Listen to the pronunciation of was and were. then prtactice

شرح Listen to the pronunciation of was and were. then prtactice
منذ سنة
ليش الشرح بالانقلش كيف نفهم؟!
منذ سنة
وين شرح الاخواتت❗️
ريان نائب
منذ سنتين
سالم الدوسري

الرجاء تسجيل الدخول لكتابة تعليق