writing - Super goal 1 - أول متوسط

كتاب النشاط
كتاب النشاط
Research a celebration in another country .Present your finding to the class
(6) 3.8 التقييم 8 التعليقات المشاركة

A. Find 22 words in the word search that are related to celepration

شرح A. Find 22 words in the  word search that are related  to celepration حل A. Find 22 words in the  word search that are related  to celepration

B. Read the invitation to a graduation party.Work with apartner .ask and answerwith how whatn where when and why

شرح B. Read the invitation to a graduation party.Work with apartner .ask and answerwith how whatn where when and why حل B. Read the invitation to a graduation party.Work with apartner .ask and answerwith how whatn where when and why

C. Decide which holiday celebration you are going to write about in exerciseD

شرح C. Decide which holiday celebration you are going to write about in exerciseD حل C. Decide which holiday celebration you are going to write about in exerciseD

D. Write about a holiday celebrationin your country

شرح D. Write about a holiday celebrationin your country حل D. Write about a holiday celebrationin your country

Research a celebration in another country .Present your finding to the class

شرح Research a celebration in another country .Present your finding to the class
غالية حسن لاحق ال زياد العسيري
منذ سنتين
السلا م عليكم ورحمة

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