conversation - Mega goal 2 - ثاني ثانوي

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What kind of apartment is Hameed looking for?
جاسم العقيلي
(65) 4.5 التقييم 5 التعليقات المشاركة

7 There's No Place Like Home 4 Conversation ? Ahmed: Where are you going to live when you start college in the fall? Hameed: I don't want to live on campus. There's too much noise when you're trying to study, and there aren't enough places to go when you want to socialize. So, I'm going to get an apartment off campus. Ahmed: Cool! What kind of apartment do you have in mind? Hameed: Well, I'm hoping to find a large, modern place with an extra bedroom for visitors. It has to have parking. And, of course, it has to have a washer and dryer. Ahmed: Hold on! Do you have enough money for an apartment like that? Hameed: Why? Do you think it would be very expensive? Ahmed: You are clearly out of touch with rental prices! You need a reality check. An apartment like that will cost an arm and a leg. MP Hameed: Like how much? 0 Ahmed: We're talking megabucks—maybe fifteen grand a month. Hameed: Fifteen thousand riyals? I had no idea. I thought it would be a lot less than that. Ahmed: Only if you want to live in a tiny apartment way outside of the city. Hameed: Well, maybe I shouldn't be in such a rush to move out. I could live at home with my parents just for the first year... About the Conversation 1. What kind of apartment is Hameed looking for? Real Talk Cool! Great! = = Hold on! Stop for a moment! out of touch = don't have a realistic idea reality check = an assessment of how realistic something is an arm and a leg = a large amount of money megabucks = a large amount of money grand thousand 2. Why does Ahmed tell Hameed that he needs a reality check? = 3. What decision does Hameed make at the end of the conversation? Your Turn Role-play ⚫⚫something you are looking for, such as a university something th a partner. Tell your partner about or a new computer. Use phrases from the box. Your partner will ask questions to find out more information. Ministry of Education our partr التعليم 2024 -1046 Describing What You Are Looking For I'm looking for... What I have in mind is... I have my heart set on... I'd love to find... I'm hoping to find... It's essential that I find... MG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 104 30/4/24 2:30 AM رابط الدرس الرقمي


Where are you going to live when you start college the fall?

شرح Where are you going to live when you start college the fall?

What kind of apartment is Hameed looking for?

شرح What kind of apartment is Hameed looking for? حل What kind of apartment is Hameed looking for?

Role-play with a partner. Tell your partner about something you are looking for, such as a university or a new computer Use phrases from the box. your partner will ask questions to find out

شرح Role-play with a partner. Tell your partner about something  you are looking for, such as a university or a new computer Use phrases from the box. your partner will ask questions to find out

5 Listening Listen to the real estate agent talk about important factors to consider when looking for an apartment the factors mentioned. to rent. Tick 1. the neighborhood 2. the number of windows 3. the number of closets 4. the number of lights 5. APARTMENT FOR RENT 6. ☐ 7. 8. 9. the number of neighbors the size of the rooms the size of the building whether outdoor barbecues are allowed whether pets are allowed 10. whether a parking spot is included 6 Pronunciation In English, there are many two-syllable words whose part of speech and meaning change if you change the stress. Stress the first syllable of most two-syllable nouns. Stress the last syllable of most two-syllable verbs. Listen and practice. 1. Finding the right apartment can have a big impact on your life. 2. Paying rent that is too expensive for you can impact your lifestyle. 3. Finding the right apartment doesn't have to be an overwhelming project. 4. When you go to a job interview, you should project a sense of confidence. 5. Be sure to read every word of the rental contract. 6. Some people contract dangerous viruses while they are traveling abroad. 7 Vocabulary Building A A. You will see these words in the reading on pages 106 and 107. Match the words with their meanings. asset hub a. to care for, help, or encourage the development and growth b. the center of a region c. a useful or valuable thing, person, or quality 1. 2. 3. nurture 4. cultivate d. capacity for growth and development; possibility 5. potential e. to improve or develop by study or training B. Check your answers with a partner. If you do not understand the meaning of a word, ••••look it up in a dictionary. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 MG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 105 105 30/4/24 2:30 AM


Listen to the real estate agent talk about important factors to consider when looking for an apartment to rent Tick the factors mentioned. 1. the neighborhood

شرح Listen to the real estate agent talk about important factors to consider when looking for an apartment to rent Tick the factors mentioned. 1. the neighborhood حل Listen to the real estate agent talk about important factors to consider when looking for an apartment to rent Tick the factors mentioned. 1. the neighborhood

In English there are many two-syllable words whose part of speech and meaning change if you change the stress Stress the first syllable of most two-syllable nouns. Stress the last syllable of

شرح In English there are many two-syllable words whose part of speech and meaning change if you change the stress Stress the first syllable of most two-syllable nouns. Stress the last syllable of

You will see these words in the reading on pages 12 and 13 Match the words with the meanings 1. asset

شرح You will see these words in the reading on pages 12 and 13 Match the words with the meanings 1. asset حل You will see these words in the reading on pages 12 and 13 Match the words with the meanings 1. asset
عبدالملك الحربي
منذ أسبوع
حق الفوكابرلي بلدنج
عبدالملك الحربي
منذ أسبوع
المقطع قديم حق المدرس مغيرة الاسئلة

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