Goal 75 cp 20 Feelings and Things: Rhythms and Sounds I can chant, ask "Are/you/he/she/we/they ...?", and get the answer. I listened to CD3 20 Nome days this week. Class Listen and chant. Trace. Are you hungry? Are you thirsty? Are you he matter? What's What's the matter? What's the matter? They'r She is angry and sad sod! cored. Who is angry? Who is scared? Who is sleepy? Who is bored? He is sleepy and he's bored. What's What's the matter? We're all happy, we're all well! 2 Circle the word and write the sentence. Begin with a CAPITAL letter and end with a full stop (.). 1. these arewatches These وزارة التعليم 2 theboysarehappy WC_of_TERMS COMBO TEXT 2023.indb 59 59 20/3/23 6:32 PM

Rhythms and Sounds

1.Listen, and chant

2.Circle the word

Goal 76 C32: Feelings and Things: Rhythms and Sounds I can listen, read, and answer questions correctly. I listened to CD3 21 Name days this week. Class 1 Listen and practice. Write. ten happy parrot big and hungry good This is his His name is Tim. Tim is وزارة التعليم 60 This is Kenan. He is He is a very and fat. He is boy. blue and orange, he is all the Hello, Tim! time. Kenan and Tim are friends. Hello, Kenan! Write the questions again and answer. Begin with a CAPITAL letter and use a question mark (?). 1. what's your name What's 2. how old are you 3:: are you happy or sad My I'm WC_01_TERMS COMBO TEXT 2023.indb 80 20/3/23 6:32 PM

Rhythms and Sounds

Listen and practice This is Kenan He is ..........

Write the questions again and answer . Begin with a CAPITAL letter and use a question mark ( ? ) what's your name