Project - Cybersecurity - ثالث ثانوي
1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity
2. Cybersecurity Protection and Response
3. Advanced Topics in Cybersecurity
48 Project You are working at a large financial company and you are tasked with creating a comprehensive security analysis for the company board. You will present the threats from malware and advanced cyberattacks and how risk management strategies can help your company mitigate their impact. You will analyze the threats companies like yours face and the steps they can take to secure their information systems. 1 Introduce malware and advanced cyberattacks by defining them, providing examples, and explaining the consequences of malicious attacks on the company's information system. 2 Outline the processes of risk identification and assessment and describe various strategies that can be used to mitigate risks associated with malware and advanced cyberattacks.. 3 Highlight the importance of ongoing risk management and monitoring in cybersecurity and present case studies of organizations that have effectively managed the risks posed by malware and advanced cyberattacks. A Create a PowerPoint presentation for the company board of directors that includes the above notes and summarizes why an effective cybersecurity strategy is crucial in the digital age. وزارة التعليم 173-1445

Wrap up Now you have learned to: > Define cybersecurity. > Outline the key principles of cybersecurity. > List the main career paths in cybersecurity. > Describe how Saudi Arabia became a prominent authority on cybersecurity. > Analyze the various types of malware > Outline how cybercriminals utilize advanced cyberattacks. > Distinguish different processes and activities for risk identification, mitigation, and management > Outline the data threat issues that cybersecurity systems are tasked with securing. > Summarize access control techniques for securing information systems. > Describe how ethical hacking helps protect organizations and companies. KEY TERMS Access Control Data Threat Penetration Testing (PT) Authentication Data Protection Authorization Availability CIA Triad Chief information Security Officer (CISO) Confidentiality Ethical Hacking Identity and Access Management (IAM) Integrity Malware Nonrepudiation Risk Identification Risk Management Risk Mitigation Single Sign-On (SSO) Vulnerability Assessment (VA) White Hat Hacking

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