Project - Artificial Intelligence - ثالث ثانوي
Part 1
1. Basics of Artificial Intelligence
2. Artificial Intelligence Algorithms
3. Natural Language Processing (NPL)
Part 2
4. Image Recognition
5. Optimization & Decision-making Algorithms
Project Suppose you work for a delivery company, and your manager has asked you to find the most efficient route to deliver packages to multiple locations in the city. The goal is to find the shortest possible route that visits each location exactly once and returns to the starting location. This problem is an instance of the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). 1 You will create various instances of the TSP problem with 3 to 12 locations. Each instance will have a distance range of 5 to 20 units. 2 Create a plot function with the matplotlib library that graphs the most efficient route that is outputted by the solver. Use this function only for the instance with 12 locations. 3 Create a plot function with the matplotlib library that plots the performance of both the brute-force and MIP solvers in comparison with each other. 4 Write a brief report discussing your findings on the efficiency and performance of both solvers, and the benefits and drawbacks of each one. وزارة التعليم Motry of Education 2024-1446

Wrap up Now you have learned to: > Select the appropriate optimization approaches to solve complex problems. > Solve resource allocation problems by applying Python code. > Solve scheduling problems by applying Python code. > Solve the Knapsack problem using different optimization algorithms. > Solve the Traveling Salesman problem using different optimization algorithms. KEY TERMS Brute-Force Solver Ministry of Education 2024-1446 Knapsack Problem Constraint Programming Linear Programming Greedy Heuristic Algorithm Greedy Solver Heuristic Algorithm Local Search Mathematical Programming Integer Programming Optimization Problem Quadratic Programming Scheduling Problem Team Formation Traveling Salesman Problem 299

Now you have learned to: > Select the appropriate optimization approaches