Words with a e i o u - we can 2-1 - ثاني ابتدائي
Unit1: Feelings
Unit2: Things We Wear
Unit3: Things We Do
نشاط Unit1: Feelings
نشاط Unit2: Things We Wear
نشاط Unit3: Thigs We Do
Phonics Practice Words with a ei ou ◆ Listen and write the letter a, e, i, o, or u. Then match CD204 with the pictures. 1. art 2. range 3. _ lephant 4. _nk 18 56 5. mbrella 6. _ pricot 7. nder 8. _ ighteen 2 Listen, point, and say. Then draw a line to the right CD2 05 picture. 34 وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 11 We call it 'a', but say apple. We call it 'a', so we say apron. We call it 'e', but we say elephant. We call it 'e', so we say eleven. We call it 'i', but we say ink. We call it 'i', so we say ice cream. We call it 'o', but we say orange. We call it 'o', so we say open. We call it 'u', but we say umbrella. We call it 'u', so we say uniform. We call them sounds and letters! WC_02_TERM1_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 34 26/2/24 12:23 PM