Picture Dictionary - we can 1-2 - أول ابتدائي
Unit1: How Old Are You
Unit2: What’s This? What’s That
Unit3: Toys and Things
Unit4: Food
نشاط Unit1: How Old Are You
نشاط Unit2: What’s This? What’s That
نشاط Unit3: Toys and Things
نشاط Unit4: Food
Picture Dictionary apricot p30 banana p31 bicycle p22 camels pч carrot p31 cell phone p22 cherries p31 circle pó computer game p22 Cookies cookies p28 cookie jar p28 diamond p6 وزارة التعليم More Co ADEL T WC 01 TERM2 COMBO TEXT 2023.indb 29 39 20/3/23 6:01 PM

Picture dictionary apricot
dollhouse p22 eraser p11 fish p8 goat p8 hat p8 ink p8 jet p8 kiwi p24 lion p24 macaroni p26 marbles p19 nest p24 وزارة التعليم MELDT40 A TWE WC 01 TERM2 COMBO TEXT 2023.indb 40 20/3/23 6:01 PM

notebook p10 octopus p32 onion p27 orange p30 parrot p32 pizza p27 potatoes p31 puppet p22 puzzle p22 وزارة التعليم MOO quilt p32 rabbit p32 rectangle p6 WC 01 TERM2 COMBO TEXT 2023.indb 41 41 20/3/23 6:01 PM

rice p30 robot p22 salad p27 sandwich p30 shirt p22 skirt p22 وزارة التعليم MJU (42 201, TIKKAS soup p27 square pó stickers p22 star pó triangle pó toy truck p22 WC_01_TERM2 COMBO TEXT 2023.indb 42 20/3/23 6:01 PM
