Writing - Super goal 2 - ثاني متوسط
Term 1
Are You Here on Vacation
What Are They Making
Favorite Pastimes
Is There Any Ice Cream
Term 2
What Was It Like
let's a Bargain!
There's No Comprasion
EXPANSION Units 6-11
Term 3
It's Going to Be Fun!
What's the Weather Like
Could You Do Me a Favor
EXPANSION Units 12-16
Term 1
نشاط1 Are You Here on Vacation
نشاط 2 What Are They Making
نشاط 3 Who's who
نشاط 4 Favorite Pastimes
نشاط 5 Is There Any Ice Cream
نشاط EXPANSION 1-5
Term 2
نشاط 6 What Was It Like
نشاط 7 What Happened
نشاط 8 What's Wrong
نشاط 9 Let's Go Out
نشاط 10 let's a Bargain
نشاط 11 There's No Comprasion
نشاط EXPANSION Units 6-11
Term 3
نشاط 12 It's Going to Be Fun
نشاط 13 What's the Weather Like
نشاط 14 Could You Do Me a Favor
نشاط 15 Today's News
نشاط 16 Have You Ever
نشاط EXPANSION Units 12-16
O رابط الدرس الرف 6 What Was It Like? 9 Writing www.ien.edu.sa A. Think about a museum, performance, or sports event that you attended. Try to remember as many sensory details as you can. Write notes in the chart. Sights Sounds Smells/Tastes Touch/Feelings Writing Corner 1. A narrative story usually describes the events in the order that they happened. It describes what the writer feels and senses, so the reader can imagine being there. 2. Use time words to show sequence: when, as, while, before, and after. If a time word begins the sentence, there is a comma after the time clause. 3. An exclamation point (!) shows strong feelings, like the writer is shouting. 4. Use quotation marks (" ") around the exact words that a person says. B. Read about Faisal's experience at a horse race. Learn the meaning of the words in the box. Then, complete the paragraph with the words. nervous crowd thundered shook silent paraded excited cheered Last month, I went to a horse race for the first time. Before the race, my father and I walked by the stables to see the horses. While the jockeys (1) past us, one of the horses jumped up on its back legs. The horse, named Prince, was very (2) but the jockey looked confident. I said to my father, “That's the winner!" Then we pushed through the noisy to find a place near the track. The horses were ready to start, and suddenly the crowd was (4) "They're off," shouted the announcer. The horses (5) past us, and it felt like the ground (3) (6) They disappeared around the track, so I looked in my binoculars. Prince As they Prince was the winner by two lengths! was in front by a neck! I started to jump because I was so (7) crossed the finish line, the crowd (8) C. Write about an interesting museum, performance, or sports event that you attended. Use your notes from the chart to describe what you sensed and how you felt. 10 Project Check on the events in your town. Choose one, and make a brochure about it. Present your brochure to the class. وزار56 عليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 SG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 56 30/4/24 12:04 AM

Think about a museum, performance, or sports event that you attended. Try to remember as many sensory details as you can