Phonics - we can 1-1 - أول ابتدائي
Uunit1 My Friends
Unit2: My Body
Unit3: My Family
كتاب النشاط
نشاط Unit1: My Friends
نشاط Unit2: My Body
نشاط Unit3: My Family
Phonics 1 Chant and point. ⚫ Alphabet Chant CD1 12 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N OPQ RST BAXMA YODO NWTHRIH U V W X Y Z 2 Color the letters. MIK 10 وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 WC_01_TERM1_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 10 رابط الدرس الرفـ 26/2/24 11:17 AM

* Fun Time! CD1 13 3 Make a name card. Write your name, draw some pictures, and show your card. I Can ... Labeeb My name's • chant the Alphabet Chant. GOAL 07 • make my name card. Advice Time Help your friends. pilälläjlig Now go to pages 28-29 Ministry of Education 2024-1446 WC_01_TERM1_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 11 GOAL 08 11 Unit 1 26/2/24 11:17 AM