Listen and Discuss - Super goal 3 - ثالث متوسط
Term 1
Life Stories
When are you Travelling
What Do I Need to Buy
Term 2
Since When
Do You Know Where it is
It's Good Deal, Isn't It
Drive Slowly
EXPANSION Unuits 5-8
Term 3
all kinds of people
Who Used My Toothpaste
Making choices
Culture Shock
EXPANSION Units 9-12
Term 1
نشاط 1 Lifestyles
نشاط 2 Life Stories
نشاط 3 When are you Travelling
نشاط 4 What Do I Need to Buy
نشاط EXPANSION Unuits 1-4
Term 2
نشاط 5 Since When
نشاط 6 Do You Know Where it is
نشاط 7 It's Good Deal, Isn't It
نشاط 8 Drive Slowly!
نشاط EXPANSION Units 5-8
Term 3
نشاط 9 all kinds of people
نشاط 10 Who Used My Toothpaste
نشاط 11 Making choices
نشاط 12 Culture Shock
نشاط EXPANSION Units 9-12
+ 8 Drive Slowly! 1 Listen and Discuss Are you interested in cars? What do people look for in a car? EXTERIOR windshield windshield wipers hood trunk رابط الدرس الرقمي gas tank bumper headlight signal light THE NEWX MODEL rearview mirror ignition dashboard steering wheel وزارة التعليم Ministry o78ucation 2024-1446 SG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 78 50 60 3040 50 20 MPH GPS glove compartment brake pedal gas pedal automatic transmission seat belt D2 INTERIOR 30/4/24 12:32 AM

وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 + International Traffic Signs How many of these road signs do you know? 70 Speed Limit A Pedestrian Crossing You must always wear your seat belt. STOP No Entry Stop Danger You should drive carefully, and you should not speed. P No Passing R You must obey the road signs. Parking Area No Parking Quick Check ✓ A. Vocabulary. Match the two words. 1. steering a. shield 2. wind b. belt 3. dash c. sign 4. seat d. mirror 5. rearview e. wheel 6. road f. board B. Comprehension. Answer about the car and the driving instructor. 1. Does the car have a global positioning system? 2. What kind of transmission does it have? 3. Is it a four-door car? 4. What does the instructor want people to do? 2 Pair Work A. Ask and answer about the signs. What does that sign mean? You must not pass. B. Give advice about driving. What's the first thing a driver should do? Drivers should put on their seat belts. What shouldn't a driver do? Drivers shouldn't drive too quickly. SG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 79 79 30/4/24 12:32 AM