Form Meaning and Function - Super goal 2 - ثاني متوسط
Term 1
Are You Here on Vacation
What Are They Making
Favorite Pastimes
Is There Any Ice Cream
Term 2
What Was It Like
let's a Bargain!
There's No Comprasion
EXPANSION Units 6-11
Term 3
It's Going to Be Fun!
What's the Weather Like
Could You Do Me a Favor
EXPANSION Units 12-16
Term 1
نشاط1 Are You Here on Vacation
نشاط 2 What Are They Making
نشاط 3 Who's who
نشاط 4 Favorite Pastimes
نشاط 5 Is There Any Ice Cream
نشاط EXPANSION 1-5
Term 2
نشاط 6 What Was It Like
نشاط 7 What Happened
نشاط 8 What's Wrong
نشاط 9 Let's Go Out
نشاط 10 let's a Bargain
نشاط 11 There's No Comprasion
نشاط EXPANSION Units 6-11
Term 3
نشاط 12 It's Going to Be Fun
نشاط 13 What's the Weather Like
نشاط 14 Could You Do Me a Favor
نشاط 15 Today's News
نشاط 16 Have You Ever
نشاط EXPANSION Units 12-16
وزارة التعليم O 11 Form, Meaning and Function Adverbs of Degree Adverbs of degree tell about the intensity of a verb, adjective, or adverb. Some common adverbs of degree are: absolutely, almost, completely, extremely, hardly, just, quite, really, very. Adverbs of degree go before the main verb and before the adjective or adverb. I absolutely agree with you. You almost missed your flight. The students did quite well. He was just running. He can hardly stand up. He is completely exhausted. Could and Was Able To We use could and was able to to talk about general ability in the past. I could run fast when I was young. They couldn't see in the dark. I was able to run fast when I was young. They weren't able to see in the dark. We use was/were able to, but not could, to talk about one specific past action. He was able to rescue his grandson. He could rescue his grandson. A. Write each student's test score next to the name. (Note: 60% = pass) Jason completely failed the test. 1. 100% 23 ± 5 6 2. Mark almost passed the test. 95% 3. Ali's test was absolutely perfect. 75% 4. Bill did extremely well on the test. 60% 100% 5. Fahd's test result was quite good. 95% 58% 6. Tom was just able to pass. 30% B. Circle the correct words in the story. In some cases, both words are correct. Six-year-old Marta Garcia and her baby brother were sitting in the back seat of the car. Mr. Garcia was (1. almost / just) getting into the car when a strange man pushed him away. Mr. Garcia tried to stop him, but the man was (2. very / absolutely) strong and (3. could / was able to) overpower Mr. Garcia. The man, who wanted to steal the car, got in and started driving away. Mr. Garcia grabbed the car door, but he (4. couldn't/wasn't able to) hold on and fell onto the road. He felt (5. quite / completely) helpless and sat there crying. At first, the thief (6. hardly / just) noticed the children who were sitting quietly in the back. Then Marta became (7. really / extremely) upset. She started hitting the thief and pulling his hair. He (8. hardly almost) drove off the road. Finally, he (9. couldn't / wasn't able to) stand it any longer, so he stopped the car and ordered the children to get out. Marta (10. could / was able to) help her brother out of the car. The children started walking back. Mr. Garcia was (11. very / absolutely) thrilled to see his children again. Marta is an (12. absolutely / extremely) brave girl. Ministry of Education 2024-1446 SG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 137 137 30/4/24 12:07 AM