Conversation - Super goal 2 - ثاني متوسط

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كتاب النشاط
Conversation Do you have plans for Saturday
عين2022 [1]
(5) 3.4 التقييم 8 التعليقات المشاركة

Conversation Do you have plans for Saturday

شرح Conversation Do you have plans for Saturday

What things do you have to do today?

شرح What things do you have to do today? حل What things do you have to do today?

Invite a friend to go out make suggestions

شرح Invite a friend to go out make suggestions حل Invite a friend to go out make suggestions
لم يتم إضافة أي تعليقات حتى الآن.

الرجاء تسجيل الدخول لكتابة تعليق