Listen and Discuss - Super goal 1 - أول متوسط

كتاب النشاط
كتاب النشاط
What is the name of your neighborhood?
عين2022 [1]
(27) 3.7 التقييم 163 التعليقات المشاركة

رابط الدرس الرفـ 7 Where Do You Live? 1 Listen and Discuss 1. What is the name of your neighborhood? 2. How is this neighborhood the same or different from yours? CONVENIENCE STORE 167 Sixth Ave. 4 City Center Supermarker Great food at low prices! FRUIT VEGETA On Main Avenue. Near the subway station. Open: 7 days a week. SUBWAY STATION City Center Supermarket E.42nd St. 2 POST OFFICE I'm new to the neighborhood. I live in this apartment building. Where do you live? I live here too, on the third floor. This neighborhood is great! It has everything! So, is there a convenience store near here? 3 Main Ave. 5 6 CHINO'S Bank St. GINO'S wistry d56coun 2024-1446 SG_01_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 56 日 A B Of course. Go to the corner and turn left. Then go straight ahead. South Ave. GINO'S Italian Restaurant The BEST pizza and pasta in town. 211 Maple Avenue Open: Saturday-Thursday Maple Ave 29/4/24 11:31 PM

Listen and Discuss

What is the name of your neighborhood?

شرح What is the name of your neighborhood?

mm BANK 8 VAN O Chewing PARKO 7 Andy's Bookstore 85 Central Avenue Between the bank and the pharmacy. Open: 9:00 A.M. to 8.00 P.M. 田田 Ave. Park St. Health Club Bookstore 10 Pharmacy Gym and swimming pool. Sauna and showers. Across from the park. Closed: Friday. 11 HEALTH CLUB 日 Central Ave. Quick Check ✓ A. Vocabulary. Name the place. 1st St. SCHOOLBUS Maple Ave. B. Comprehension. Answer yes or no. E 田 زارة التم Edu 1. Gino's restaurant is on Maple Avenue. 1. a place to eat 2. 2. a place to take a walk Andy's Bookstore is between the bank and the pharmacy. 3. a place with many stores 3. The health club is near the park. 4. a place to exercise 4. The supermarket is near the subway station. 5. a place to buy a book 2 Pair Work الا Are there any restaurants near here? Yes. There's a restaurant on Maple Avenue. Ask and answer. 1. Where do you live? 2. I live on Park Street. MALL 12 目目 SG_01_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 57 E.42nd St. 57 29/4/24 11:31 PM

Listen and Discuss

Ask and answer. Where do you live?

شرح Ask and answer. Where do you live?

Listen and Discuss-1 page 57

شرح Listen and Discuss-1 page 57

Vocabulary. Name the place.

شرح Vocabulary. Name the place. حل Vocabulary. Name the place.
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