What Do I Need to Buy - Super goal 3 - ثالث متوسط

كتاب النشاط

نشاط 4 What Do I Need to Buy

كتاب النشاط

نشاط 4 What Do I Need to Buy

Complete the chart with the words from A.
(10) 3 التقييم 1 التعليقات المشاركة

4 What Do I Need to Buy? A Write the name of each food. 1. 6. 7. 2. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. ம் B Complete the chart with the words from A. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 Meat SG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 185 Seafood 10. Dairy Fruit Vegetables Unit 4 185 30/4/24 12:34 AM

What Do I Need to Buy?

Write the names of each food

شرح Write the names of each food حل Write the names of each food

Complete the chart with the words from A.

شرح Complete the chart with the words from A. حل Complete the chart with the words from A.

4 What Do I Need to Buy? C Complete the story. Use a few, a little, and a lot of. Badria started a new diet called the Good Health Program. This is what she told me about it: "At first, I didn't understand the diet because there were (1) rules-about three pages of them! For example, you have to take 1 tablespoon of oil twice a day. That's not oil, but it helps you lose weight for some reason. You need to drink lemon juice (about a tablespoon) in water twice a day. (2) (3) Fruits are part of the diet. You can have (4) pieces-every day. You can eat (5) pieces of fruit-one, two, or three different vegetables. In fact, you can eat all the vegetables you want, including beans, broccoli, cucumbers, onions, and 25 more. But you can only have (6) (7) spices. They cause problems with this diet. You need to drink water-at least eight glasses a day! I don't know if I can do that all the time. meat-only 225 grams once a day. But that doesn't bother me. You can't eat (8) I usually eat only (9) meat anyway. There are only (10) things on the diet that I never eat-actually just two things-lamb and tomatoes. And they encourage you to get (11) exercise, but not too much. All in all, I think it's a good program." D Rewrite each false sentence about the story from C. Make each one true. Use much and many. Badria takes a lot of oil each day. She doesn't take much oil each day. 1. Badria drinks a lot of lemon juice in water. 2. Badria can eat a few vegetables on the diet. 3. She can use a lot of spices. E Write about what you eat or drink a lot of and what you don't eat or drink enough of. I eat a lot of ice cream, but I don't eat enough yogurt. 1. 2. 3. P186 Unit 4 Ministry of Education 2024-1446 SG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 186 30/4/24 12:34 AM

What Do I Need to Buy?

Complete the story. Use a few, a little, and a lot of

شرح Complete the story. Use a few, a little, and a lot of حل Complete the story. Use a few, a little, and a lot of

Rewrite each false sentence about the story from C. Make each one true. Use much and many

شرح Rewrite each false sentence about the story from C. Make each one true. Use much and many حل Rewrite each false sentence about the story from C. Make each one true. Use much and many

Write about what you eat or drink a lot of and what you don’t eat or drink enough of.

شرح Write about what you eat or drink a lot of and what you don’t eat or drink enough of. حل Write about what you eat or drink a lot of and what you don’t eat or drink enough of.

4 What Do I Need to Buy? F Read the recipe. Write questions and answers about it. Use how much and how many. Mushroom and Cheese Omelet • • • Cut 6 mushrooms into small pieces. Chop a piece of 1 onion. Cut up 1/4 cup of cheddar cheese. Whip 3 eggs in a bowl. Add a little salt and pepper to the eggs. • Melt 1 tablespoon of butter in a frying pan. Pour the ingredients into the frying pan and cook for 3 minutes. you / need / eggs Q: How do many eggs need? you A: I need three 1. you use / butter eggs. Q: A: 2. you/add/ salt Q: A: 3. you cut up / mushrooms Q: A: 4. you cut up / cheese Q: A: 5. you use onions Q: A: G Complete the sentences. Use something, anything, and nothing. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 1. We eat a lot of food at my house. We always need 2. Are you hungry? Go to the kitchen. There's 3. What a delicious lunch! But don't you have 4. I love fresh fruit. In fact, there's a good piece of watermelon on a hot summer day! 5. I'm so hungry. I haven't eaten 6. Badr: Do you like pizza? from the supermarket. in the refrigerator for you to eat. to drink with it? better than all day! Fahd: No, I don't. I don't like with cheese. 7. I can't make this recipe for dinner. I have absolutely that it calls for. 8. I'm going to buy some food at the supermarket. Can I get you SG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 187 too? Unit 4 187 30/4/24 12:34 AM

What Do I Need to Buy?

Read the recipe. Write questions and answers about it. Use how much and how many

شرح Read the recipe. Write questions and answers about it. Use how much and how many حل Read the recipe. Write questions and answers about it. Use how much and how many

Complete the sentences. Use something, anything, and nothing

شرح Complete the sentences. Use something, anything, and nothing حل Complete the sentences. Use something, anything, and nothing

4 What Do I Need to Buy? H Look at the recipe for fruit salad. Rewrite the recipe in the correct order. Fruit Salad • Mix well and put the bowl in the refrigerator for three hours. Cut up 1 pineapple, 1 cup of strawberries, 2 oranges, and 1 cup of apples. Add 1/2 cup of sugar and ¼ cup of lemon juice. Put the fruit in a large bowl. Fruit Salad ☐ Now rewrite the recipe. Use the sequence words in the box. after that finally first then 1. 2. 3. 4. P188 Unit 4 Ministry of Education 2024-1446 SG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 188 30/4/24 12:34 AM

What Do I Need to Buy?

Look at the recipe for fruit salad. Rewrite the recipe in the correct order

شرح Look at the recipe for fruit salad. Rewrite the recipe in the correct order حل Look at the recipe for fruit salad. Rewrite the recipe in the correct order

Now rewrite the recipe. Use the sequence words in the box.

شرح Now rewrite the recipe. Use the sequence words in the box. حل Now rewrite the recipe. Use the sequence words in the box.

4 What Do I Need to Buy? J READING Food Is Not Just for Food Do you like bananas on cereal, roasted garlic, or cucumbers in salad? Believe it or not, each of these foods is also a medicine. Thousands of years ago people started using foods to cure everyday health problems. Today, people still use many of these foods as medicines. Each culture has its own favorite food remedies. Here is a short list of illnesses and some of the foods people use to cure them. Headaches • Peel several very ripe bananas. Wrap the peels in two different pieces of cloth. Place one over the back of your neck and the other on your forehead. • Peel a large lemon. Rub the skin of the lemons on your forehead. Then put the pieces in a cloth and place it on your forehead. The pain will stop. Tired, Red Eyes • Peel and slice up a very ripe apple. Let the fruit get brown. Place the pieces on your closed eyes. Leave them on for at least half an hour. • Place thin slices of cucumber over your closed eyes and lie quietly for a few minutes. A Cold • Put two cloves of crushed garlic in a bowl of boiling water. Add one tablespoon of vinegar. Cover your head and the bowl with a towel. Breathe in the warm vapors. . ⚫ Soak a piece of brown paper in vinegar. Shake pepper on one side. Place the peppered side of the paper on your chest. Leave it there all night, if possible. Have you ever heard of any of these remedies? Most people in the medical profession say that there is little research to prove any positive results from these old food remedies. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 Complete the sentences. Use the information in the reading. 1. People eat food. Some people use food as 2. To take away a 3. Some people use ripe you can use ripe bananas. to make their eyes feel better. 4. Cucumber slices can help your 5. Some people say garlic and SG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 189 will make a cold go away. Unit 4 189 30/4/24 12:34 AM

What Do I Need to Buy?

Food Is Not Just for Food

شرح Food Is Not Just for Food حل Food Is Not Just for Food

4 What Do I Need to Buy? K What is your favorite meal? Make a shopping list for it. Complete the chart below with all the different food items for the meal. Then think about the supermarket you'll go to. Where are the different food items in that supermarket? Use a number to show the order in which you will buy the food at your supermarket. Favorite Meal: Food Group Food Items Shopping Trip Order Meat Seafood Breads and Grains Vegetables Fruits Dairy Products Other L WRITING Now write a paragraph about your shopping trip at your supermarket. Use the information from your shopping list above. Use sequence words like first, then, after that, and finally. PL190 Unit 4 Ministry of Education 2024-1446 SG_03_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 190 My Shopping Trip 30/4/24 12:34 AM

What Do I Need to Buy?

K What is your favorite meal? Make a shopping list for it. Complete the chart below with all the different food items for the meal. Then think about the supermarket you’ll go to. Where are th

شرح K What is your favorite meal? Make a shopping list for it. Complete the chart below with all the different food items for the meal. Then think about the supermarket you’ll go to. Where are th حل K What is your favorite meal? Make a shopping list for it. Complete the chart below with all the different food items for the meal. Then think about the supermarket you’ll go to. Where are th

Now write a paragraph about your shopping trip at your supermarket. Use the information from your shopping list above. Use sequence words like first, then, after that, and finally.

شرح Now write a paragraph about your shopping trip at your supermarket. Use the information from your shopping list above. Use sequence words like first, then, after that, and finally. حل Now write a paragraph about your shopping trip at your supermarket. Use the information from your shopping list above. Use sequence words like first, then, after that, and finally.
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