EXPANSION - Super goal 2 - ثاني متوسط
Term 1
Are You Here on Vacation
What Are They Making
Favorite Pastimes
Is There Any Ice Cream
Term 2
What Was It Like
let's a Bargain!
There's No Comprasion
EXPANSION Units 6-11
Term 3
It's Going to Be Fun!
What's the Weather Like
Could You Do Me a Favor
EXPANSION Units 12-16
Term 1
نشاط1 Are You Here on Vacation
نشاط 2 What Are They Making
نشاط 3 Who's who
نشاط 4 Favorite Pastimes
نشاط 5 Is There Any Ice Cream
نشاط EXPANSION 1-5
Term 2
نشاط 6 What Was It Like
نشاط 7 What Happened
نشاط 8 What's Wrong
نشاط 9 Let's Go Out
نشاط 10 let's a Bargain
نشاط 11 There's No Comprasion
نشاط EXPANSION Units 6-11
Term 3
نشاط 12 It's Going to Be Fun
نشاط 13 What's the Weather Like
نشاط 14 Could You Do Me a Favor
نشاط 15 Today's News
نشاط 16 Have You Ever
نشاط EXPANSION Units 12-16
EXPANSION Units 1 – 5 A Use the words to write an affirmative and a negative sentence about each photo. وزارة التعليم Ahmed / work / in an office Ahmed/work/ in a restaurant Ahmed works in an office. Ahmed doesn't work in a restaurant. 1. Patrick take the bus to school Patrick ride / his bike to school 2. they eat in a restaurant on Thursdays they eat at home on Thursdays 3. Jamal /play/basketball Jamal/play/volleyball 4. Matt and Alex/play/video games after school 5. Hussein / exercise / at the gym Matt and Alex/play/football after school Hussein exercise / at home Ministry of Education 2024-1446 SG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 205 EXPANSION Units 1-5 205 30/4/24 12:08 AM

EXPANSION Units 1 - 5 B Rewrite the sentences. Replace the frequency expressions with these adverbs of frequency: never, seldom, sometimes, often, usually, and always. 1. Khalid studies three times a week in the library. 2. Nawal doesn't walk to school every day. 3. My friend cleans his room once a year. 4. Hanan practices English with her friends almost every day. 5. I don't ever forget to study and do my homework. 6. The children wake up at 7 o'clock in the morning every day. C Finish the conversation. Write questions. Use who, what, where, and when. Tim: Hi, Jim. This is my friend Ali. Jim: Nice to meet you, Ali. Ali: Nice to meet you, too. Jim: (1) Ali: I'm from Saudi Arabia. Jim: (2) Ali: I live in Boston. Jim: (3) Ali: I live with my uncle and his family. Jim: Do you go to college in Boston? Ali: Yes, I do. Jim: (4) Ali: I want to be an engineer. Jim: Wow, that's great! Tim: Let's have lunch together. Jim: Let's eat at Joe's Grill. They have great food. Tim: Good idea! (5) Jim: Let's eat at one o'clock. Tim: OK. 206 EXPANSION Units 1-5 وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 SG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 206 30/4/24 12:08 AM

EXPANSION Units 1-5 D Write a question and an answer for each picture. I cook Q: Is he cooking? A: Yes, he is. LLI E وزارة التعليم 1 2 3 1. eat 2. talk on the phone 3. play basketball Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: Complete the sentences with too, enough, too many, or too much. 1. I'm sorry, but I don't have time to help you right now. 2. It's difficult to study when there's noise outside. 3. The television is loud. Please turn it down. 4. Do we have 5. There are 6. You shouldn't eat 7. The tea is still eggs to make an omelet? people on the bus. Let's wait for the next one. sugar. It's not good for you. hot to drink. Wait until it cools down. 8. I can't close my suitcase because there are Ministry of Education 2024-1446 SG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 207 things in it. EXPANSION Units 1-5 207 30/4/24 12:08 AM

EXPANSION Units 1 - 5 LL F Look at the photos. Write questions and answers with would. Use a, an, and some. Then write and draw what you would like. Michael What would Michael like? He'd like some pasta. 1. 2. 000 1) Mona 2) Nasser 3 Robert 4) Dan 5 You 3. 4. 5. (You) 208 EXPANSION Units 1-5 وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 SG_02_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 208 30/4/24 12:08 AM