Families Families - Super goal 1 - أول متوسط
term 1
uint1: good morning
uint2: What Day Is Today
uint3: What's That
uint4: Around the World
uint5: Families, Families
term 2
uint6: Is There a View
uint7: Where Do You Live
uint8: What Are You Doing
?uint9: what do you do
? uint10: What's school like
?uint11: What Time Do You Get Up
expnation units 6-11
term 3
?uint12: What Can You Do There
?uint13: What Are You Going To Wear There
uint14: Let's Celebrate
uint15: Then and Now
?uint16: What Did You Do Last Week
EXPANSION Units12-16
نشاط 1 Good Moorning
نشاط 2 What Day Is Today
نشاط 3 What's That
نشاط 4 Around the World
نشاط 5 Families, Families
نشاط EXPANSION Units 1-5
نشاط 6 Is There a View
نشاط 7 Where Do You Live
نشاط 8 What Are You Doing
نشاط9 what do you do
نشاط10 What's school like
نشاط11 What Time Do You Get Up
نشاط expnation units 6-11
نشاط12 What Can You Do There
نشاط13 What Are You Going To Wear There
نشاط14 Let's Celebrate
نشاط15 Then and Now
نشاط16 What Did You Do Last Week
نشاط EXPANSION Units 12-16
5 Families, Families ALI HANAN HAMEED REFAA OMAR MAJEDAH AMAL SAHAR KHALED NOURA B A Answer yes or no. Complete the sentences. Who is Khaled? 1. Sahar is Khaled's wife. 1. He's Majedah's 2. Omar is Hanan's son. 2. He's Hanan's 3. Refaa is Omar's sister. 3. He's Sahar's 4. Ali is Noura's grandfather. 4. He's Amal's C Who are you in your family? Look at exercises A and B for ideas. وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 I'm Hussain's son/daughter 1. I'm 2. I'm 3. I'm 4. I'm 5. I'm SG_01_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 203 Unit 5 203 29/4/24 11:37 PM

5 Families, Families D Complete the sentences. Use have, has, don't have, or doesn't have. Use the information on page 36. Khaled has two sisters. 1. Omar and Majedah 2. Khaled E Write the possessive. three children. 3. Noura one sister. any brothers. 4. Ali and Hanan three children. the son of Ali 1. the aunt of Sahar 2. the father of the children 3. the mother of the girls 4. the bags of the aunts F Answer the questions. Use any, a lot of, or lots of. Your aunt and uncle don't have any children. Do you have any cousins? 1. Your father has seven brothers. Do you have any uncles? 2. Your grandmother and grandfather have five daughters and one son. Do you have any aunts? 3. You are an only child. Do you have any sisters? 4. You have a big family. Do you have any brothers and sisters?. Ali's son No, I don't have any cousins. G Here are the answers. What are the questions? Use How many or Who. How many brothers does Khaled have ? Khaled doesn't have any brothers. 1. 2. 3. ? Khaled has two sisters. ? Khaled's mother is Majedah. ? Khaled's aunt is Refaa. ? Refaa and Hameed have one child. ? Khaled's grandparents are Ali and Hanan. 4. 45 5. P204 Unit 5 Ministry of Education 2024-1446 SG_01_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 204 29/4/24 11:37 PM

HREADING Clerk: What's your name? Child: Olivia. Clerk: What's your last name? وزارة التعليم Ministry of Education 2024-1446 Child: Parker. Clerk: What's your father's name? Child: Daddy. Clerk: OK. What's your address? Child: Main Street. Clerk: What's your telephone number? Child: I don't know. Mother: There you are, Olivia! Thank you, Ms. ...? Clerk: Ms. Jones. Please teach Olivia her address and telephone number. Mother: Yes, Ms. Jones. Thank you. Write yes or no. 1. Olivia is the clerk's daughter. 2. Olivia is Mrs. Parker's daughter. 3. Olivia knows her address. 4. 5. ம் SG_01_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 205 Olivia knows her telephone number. Olivia says her father's name. 5 Families, Families пи Unit 5 205 29/4/24 11:37 PM

5 Families, Families I Complete the sentences. Then write the words in the puzzle. Find the secret word! 1. My mother's mother is my 2. My parents' child is their daughter or 3. My uncle's wife is my 4. My father is my mother's 5. My mother's brother is my 6. My mother and father are my 1. 3. 2. 4. E 5. 6. The secret word is 5 J WRITING Write about your family. Answer these questions. 1. How many brothers and sisters do you have? 2. What are your brothers' and sisters' names? 3. How old are your brothers and sisters? 4. Who is the baby in your family? 5. What are your grandparents' names? 6. How many aunts do you have? 7. How many uncles do you have? 8. Your aunts' children are your cousins. How many cousins do you have? 9. Do you have a pet? 10. What is your pet's name? P206 Unit 5 Ministry of Education 2024-1446 SG_01_COMBO_TEXT_2024.indb 206 My Family 29/4/24 11:37 PM